Tuesday, August 18


The governor of Hawai’i introduced new “super-duper corona” restrictions, which essentially were “toothless.” The gist of the mandate was the limitation of any kind of gathering or group activity to only five people. Otherwise, parks, beaches, and bars will remain closed a little longer. The end date is set for September 16th. Surprisingly, the new target date for the opening of the floodgates of tourism is now October 1st. Will the fools have a real plan by then?

The “toothless” restrictions will, no doubt, draw the ire of the majority of residents. The anger will “come to a head” when public schools transition from distance learning back to classrooms in four weeks. All in all, the underlying focus is to restart tourism without having to close down all venues and gradually reopen them again. Public safety is and always has been secondary. What a farce! Oh well, at least the gyms will remain open.

Addendum: Notes has been following the manufactured “super-duper corona” crisis in Hawai’i for its bizarre twists and turns, a really absurd form of Kabuki Theater. Incidentally, last week, local news media reported that hospitals were going to exceed capacity before the end of the month. People were “pulling their hair out.” A full “lockdown” was imminent. Now, the only emphasis is on “social distancing” and wearing face masks. Is this some kind of joke?

Miscellany: The annual recertification process for the “old folks home” in Waikiki has commenced. There’s a new person in Slippery Sy’s old position. The only highlight was that apartment inspections have been postponed indefinitely because of “super-duper corona.”

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