Tuesday, February 25


The COVID-19 pandemic is apparently of little concern in Hawai’i. Local news coverage is scant, at best. Yet, undercurrents run deep. Local inventories of N-95 filter masks have been depleted. So, the fear is certainly brewing covertly amongst the natives.

As stated previously, there has been no effort to impose any coronavirus screening on incoming tourists, even though the majority are coming from Japan and South Korea, where COVID-19 is surging. Worse yet, local authorities have stated that no official novel coronavirus test kits are available. Test kits that were previously delivered had been defective.

The prevailing attitude can only be described as cavalier. The self-assured posture rests on the premise that a quarantine can be quickly established on any of the islands. The latter foolish thinking, of course, precludes the notion of actually being a participant in a prison-like quarantine.

If such a quarantine were established, there would be no way to escape the island or the novel coronavirus infection itself. The futile and panicked hoarding of food and essentials will precede increasingly violent outcomes. And, the huge senior citizen population will be the most vulnerable. Mortality rates for the kupuna will be high. Obviously, a contingency plan is necessary.

The infection of the large transient homeless population will also serve to accelerate the spread of COVID-19 amongst the general population. Mortality rates for the homeless people of all age groups will be high because they are afflicted with compromised immune systems.

The Chinese novel coronavirus could already be present in the local population. Ignorance or fear may prevent seeking medical assistance. Medical staff may not be able to diagnose the disease properly without test kits anyway. There may also be intense political pressure to suppress any information about infected patients.

Then, there is the issue of “big money.” A coronavirus scare would implode the tourist industry overnight. Unemployment and homelessness would spike. Even the local moneychangers and powers-that-be would be affected. All are ample reasons for a cover-up.

Update: The State government officials have now issued a suggestion that resident stock a 14-day supply of food, water, and other necessities. The frenzied panic hoarding is about to commence.

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