Thursday, February 20

Open Notes

No new updates to Notes are scheduled for the near term. Post questions and opinions in the comments section below. Responses in no particular order:
  1. The state of affairs in Hawai’i is degenerating as expected. Currently, there is the fear of COVID-19 but the concerns are mostly about the financial impact on tourism. If the novel coronavirus infects the transient homeless population here, it will “go viral” (no pun intended). The true exodus requires relocation. With the entire empire in a state of decay and disarray, there are no viable domestic options. Expatriation?
  2. Notes will most likely continue on. Gratitude is always extended to the legacy readership. Yes, many thanks!
All questions and opinions are appreciated.


  1. Loyal reader here for more than twenty years (since the Loser Upstairs days). Please continue to keep us informed whenever you see fit.

  2. Okay, here’s a question. If you returned to the Mainland, where would you go? California again? Or someplace else?
