Wednesday, July 17

Tales From the Crypt Redux

Moms has made a somewhat miraculous, albeit slow, recovery after the last fall. Moms is now able to walk at longer intervals without any prosthetics. Unfortunately, moms appears to be suffering from accelerating short-term memory loss. Forgetfulness and difficulty in articulating thoughts are becoming prevalent symptoms. Like other senior citizens, though, moms’ long-term memory appears to be somewhat intact. What is worrisome is that the sister-in-law (through durable power-of-attorney) could declare moms to be mentally incompetent on a whim and force incarceration to a senior citizen care home. Moms’ life expectancy is, at the least, 103 years regardless.

In a previous Note, personal life expectancy was discussed. However, upon further review, the details have become moot. Blindness, caused by macular degeneration, could occur in as little as ten years. Hence, any discussion of the remaining so-called “good years” has essentially been invalidated. The assumption now is that there are only ten “good years” remaining, assuming that blindness is about as good as death itself. Obviously, maintaining the dreadful status quo (while moms is still alive) will deplete nearly the entirety of those “good years.”

In terms of finances, the objective should be to spend down all reserve assets until zero balance is attained at the end of ten years. The allotment (including retirement payout) would be $4186 per month. The assumption is that blindness would be a prerequisite to becoming a “ward of the State.” Sadly, that’s the possible future “in a nutshell.” The next optometry appointment is coming up in September. The prognosis of macular degeneration should be finalized at that time.

What then are the options for the next ten years? What can be accomplished in the remaining “good years” before blindness sets in? What will be the chosen life-style? Where will the chosen residence be? Will the denial of death (or blindness) finally be mummified? Will the mendicant cycle finally be broken? And, what about the motorhomeless option?

Addendum: The reading of the book titled, “The Big Picture,” by Sean Carroll was completed. Definitely recommended for seekers of the truth.

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