Thursday, December 20

A Long Ridiculous Life

There’s really no need to elaborate on the ludicrous 63+ years that have passed. Much of that foolishness (since 1996) has been chronicled in the legacy journal and recent “blogs.” The senior citizen years are a time to reflect on the imbecility of the younger years. What else is there to do upon retirement?

One observation worth noting is that human stupidity repeats itself endlessly with each successive generation. Lessons are never learned. Instead, arrogance (coupled with opioids) have created an even greater mess. However, that is neither here or there.

The senior citizen years bring even more stupidity, often exacerbated by senility. Yet, there is always one fact that remains crystal clear - death is drawing closer and closer. The truth of a non-existent redemption becomes clear. Then, a severe existential crisis erupts. Who knew that the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, had predicted the universal human malaise eons ago?

On a side note, the process to join the local Enterprise® CarShare program has been initiated. The plan, of course, is to divest the minivan. Notable is the difficulty in the deconstruction of life-style in the midst of aging. There is always great reluctance to such a drastic change.

Addendum: There have been some considerations about setting up a new on-line account similar to Twitter®, the idea being gearing it toward more photos taken in real life. Of course, taking photos has not been much of a priority. So, the project may be doomed from the start.

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