Saturday, February 25

Formerly-Homeless Buddy Revisited

The formerly-homeless buddy (FHB) as a friend, not just an acquaintance ... seems far-fetched. Yet, the latter statement is probably true. FHB has asked for a few favors, which were granted. The acquaintanceship appeared to be one-way.

Yet, as it turns out, FHB had been sharing his most beloved welfare fraud plan all along. Every detail was articulated for future emulation. Homeless survival tips were also freely given. For someone who is down-and-out, the package of FHB's knowledge would be priceless.

Even now, FHB is offering help to his friend such that the latter would be able to secure affordable housing. The latest shortcut is the same plan presented by Scotty (see previous footnote). There really is only one way to secure affordable housing, that is, through homeless shelter case workers. Otherwise, the process will take longer than five years in the wait list queue.

Judging FHB concerning his means to obtain his ends is not really of any concern except for FHB himself. The merits of his friendship have to be based on his personal interactions. Given that, he seems to have proven himself worthy.

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