Friday, October 11

Fuck It Friday - 27

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “old folks home” is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

A new pair of prescription shades (with Oakley® frame) is on the way. The latter was ordered yesterday through the optical dispenser in the optometry office. The cost was $318 total. The 20-year-old Oakley® shades are still in service, by the way. Fuck it!

A bottle of generic liquid wart remover was ordered using the over-the-counter stipend through the Medicare Advantage plan. The package is due to arrive at the “old folks home” in Waikiki next Monday. There is no intention of actually using the product. There are boxes of patch-type wart remover in stock. If the package is not immediately stolen, it will be put outside the door of the mausoleum every couple of days to bait the thief. The thief will certainly enjoy the spoils, eh? Fuck it!

The “old folks home” is really a dismal place to reside. It is even more dismal with the new management. EAH Housing is a non-profit property management firm located in Cali and Hawai’i. The outfit is “women owned,” so the low-level employees (like the useless ho’ resident manager) are “diversity” hires. This is, of the course, the far-reaching ramifications of the moronic “woke” agenda. Fuck it!

The residents of the “old folks home,” whomever are left, are very dissatisfied with the useless ho’ resident manager and EAH Housing. Most of the conversations amongst the tenants center on the latter and former. Conversations with Ignacio, for example, follow that format. Personal experience with the useless ho’ is very limited, maybe two or three occasions. Yet, there is some kind of extreme animosity on the bitch’s part. Fuck it!

There’s a lot of drama amongst and between tenants as well. The on-going saga with the psychotic “tranny” is one example. Police are dispatched to the “old folks home” regularly. So, there’s lot of bullshit going on. The useless ho’ posted a “No Smoking on the Property” sign in the elevator. Yet, the tenants are always outside chain-smoking cigarettes in defiance. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! They hate the bitch with a passion. Fuck it!

With the current personal health problems, there is no way to consider any long-term stay at the “old folks home.” As Ignacio stated, “I don’t want to die in this place.” No argument here. A contingency plan must be devised very soon. As for the “old folks home” and the useless ho’ … Fuck it!

On a side note, brief evening outings to the International Marketplace have returned. The purpose is to get away from the toxic environment of the “old folks home.” And, that’s after returning from town at 5pm. When the Target® store opens, evening outings will be a daily occurrence. Fuck it!

Miscellany: For reference purposes, the heart palpitations malady is officially defined as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). And, the bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … is fizzling out.

Wednesday, October 9

Booyah! 2024

Miss Russia 2024 Event

The Miss Russia 2024 event was unusual because there were no “trannies” entered in the competition. Say what? Yeah, just a real beauty pageant with really gorgeous babes. No “woke” bullshit.

Miss Russia 2024 Event

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has offered asylum to people of the decadent “West” who have grown weary of the corruption, graft, collective societal psychosis, senseless violence, stupidity, and the “woke” bullshit. And, there are no “trannies” there vying for the Miss Russia title? What more can anyone ask for?

The medical appointment at the Ohua Clinic was apparently canceled because of a “scheduling error,” whatever that means. So, another appointment was made for November 1st. A new physician has been assigned.

In the meantime, more geriatric maladies are appearing, the latest being knee effusion (i.e., “water on the knee”). The problem could be related to the “big fall,” although the incident occurred over a month ago. The related back injury, by the way, has not fully healed yet.

The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues unabated. The active phase now is the dreaded post-nasal drip. How much longer will this shit go on?

A couple of acquaintances and pops’ second wife have gone MIA at the gym in town. Very strange. No one else seemed to have noticed.

A compact umbrella was procured for $7.50 (with senior citizen discount) at Ross® after much deliberation about its actual effectiveness. Well, an umbrella is much easier to pack in the gym bag than rain gear.

A long conversation with neighbor Ignacio ensued last night. He has decided to remain at the “old folks home” in Waikiki until the presidential (s)election. If Orange Bad Man loses, he plans to expatriate outside of empire. Ignacio also shared many interesting anecdotes. And, the usual complaints about the useless management of the “old folks home” rounded out the discussion.

The acquisition of the new iPhone 16 Pro model has been relegated to distant thoughts for now. There’s really nothing exciting about wasting time and money on the device. After all, the iPhone 16 line is all about AI. What a joke! The current iPhone 15 Pro will be able to exploit all of that bullshit anyway. However, all AI features will be disabled.

The Watch Series 9 still only functions as a timepiece. All of the sensors are still disabled. The device is only worn about seven hours during the daytime only. So far, no conclusion has been reached about the cause of the strange skin anomaly caused by the device.

The new Target® store in the International Marketplace will be officially opening on October 27th. That’s the only good news to report. No more paying the hyperinflated prices of the other Waikiki “tourist trap” merchants. Good riddance!

Miscellany: The Smiling Mind account was closed. The short foray into “mindfulness” has come to an end.

Friday, October 4

Notes Music Break

Hypnotic Progressions — Lanikai Beach Mix

Wednesday, October 2

Party Like It’s 2024

“We’re here for the party!”

Well, the “party” has started in the Levant with the retaliatory strike (Operation True Promise 2) by Iran yesterday on the Zionists using hypersonic missiles. The Zionists (puppets of the “garden variety” Fascists) have been working overtime to ignite a regional war. Unfortunately, the limited retaliation by Iran is only going to encourage more escalation. Iran should have destroyed all Zionist military infrastructure and associated supply chains.

Notes makes no further comment on the quagmire. The situation is being actively monitored through the limited approved news sites. The “garden variety” Fascists are “hell-bent” on a global thermonuclear conflagration. A quick perusal of a map of Eurasia will instantly reveal why the Fascists are “foaming at the mouth” … Russia, China, and Iran form the bulk of Eurasia.

A minor bout with heart palpitations occurred a few days ago just at the end of the cardio workout at the gym. Immediate rehydration was initiated, and the symptoms abated within 30 minutes.

The heart palpitations returned with a vengeance on Monday. Once again, the symptoms appeared just at the end of the cardio workout at the gym. Heart rate shot up as high as 150bpm as registered on the heart monitor of the elliptical machine. Immediate rehydration had no effect.

The heart palpitations continued for 2.5 hours. During that time, a bus was boarded and alighted at the Panda Express® on King Street. Dinner was ordered and consumed. After the completion of dinner, heart rate returned to normal. The ordeal was harrowing, with several instances where consciousness was almost lost. Why wasn’t an ambulance requested instead of fooling around with dinner?

The Watch Series 9 is never worn during cardio workouts because of the Sport Loop band (not sweat-proof). And, the heart rate “app” has been disabled since it was powered on last week. Fortunately, enabling the “app” is a quick process. So, an EKG was recorded of the cardiac event. Then, for some unknown reason, the device stopped transferring data to the iPhone. The laborious procedure to fully reset the device was subsequently undertaken, truly a “pain in the ass.”

A mild case of “COVID” … errr, the common cold … came on about two days ago, two months short of the usual six-month cycle. The goal is to prevent it from going full-on illin’ and shit. Sheesh!

Dividends from the investment accounts dropped by $200 last month as a result of the ensuing ZIRP regime instituted by the central back of empire. ZIRP is necessary so that money can be “printed” ad infinitum and handed over to the Zionists in the Levant and the closet Fascists in Ukraine.

Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open. One new document added.