Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The “old folks home” in Waikiki is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!
On Wednesday, one of the other tenants of the “old folks home,” David, had breaking news to share. Locations, the sleazy property management corporation, has allegedly not had its contract renewed. A new property management outfit will assume duties on July 1st with new employees. The change affects all “Vista” properties, so this is a big deal. Fuck it!
Something extraordinarily pathetic must have occurred to trigger such an event. The corruption and bullshit perpetrated by Locations has been going on for years. Refer to the personal ordeal in the Notes 2019 archive which detailed the amateurish extortion attempt made by Randi, the resident manager at the time, and her sidekick, Slippery Sy. And, refer to the specific Notes post titled, “Locations Hawai’i,” for even more sordid details. Fuck it!
Another ambulance was spotted carting off another geriatric resident to the hospital late Thursday afternoon (just before a brief outing to the International Marketplace). On the way out, a conversation transpired with another tenant. Randi, the former resident manager, was the individual being transported. Apparently, Randi continued to reside at the “old folks home,” although she was never personally observed on the premises. The thought of Randi going to the emergency room was amusing. As “they” say, “payback is a bitch.” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Fuck it!
A new Under Armor® mini-backpack was procured at Ross® on Tuesday for $15 (with senior citizen discount). It is the perfect size to transport the new iPad Pro M4 when necessary. The new Nike® sackpack was given to one of the favored gym employees. Fuck it!
Well, another bullshit Friday … Fuck it Friday, that is. Just waiting for that good ol’ thermonuclear war to erupt, thanks to the brain-dead “garden variety” Fascists and their puppets. An evening outing to the International Marketplace was on the agenda, specifically to install Swift Playgrounds on the iPad Pro M4 device. Yeah, the iPad was powered up just for that. On the way back to the “old folks home,” an apple, a banana, and an overpriced can of Guinness® Stout were purchased to celebrate the coming of the end of days. Fuck it!
There’s been a surge in full-time face mask usage, most likely related to the scaremongering in the “fake news” media about “bird flu” and more new strains of “super-duper corona.” The bullshit is just so tiring. Fuck it!
Addendum: The senior citizen drug dealer was finally evicted from the “old folks home.”