Wednesday, February 28

Even More Musings 2024

Apple® Watch - Snoopy

The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues. So far, after eleven days, the only symptom has been a runny nose. A lot of effort has been invested to keep the disease in check. Thus, there have been no evening outings during the lingering cold front weather conditions. Gym workouts have not been interrupted. And, fruits are being consumed twice per day.

Sleep deprivation continues to be a problem. Noise is a major culprit. Usually before 6am, the daily garbage truck ritual takes place for 1.25 hours with non-stop OSHA reverse alarm beeping. Even with the windows closed, the sound pressure levels are higher than a cheap alarm clock. The offending outfit, Honolulu Disposal Service, appears to be doing this deliberately.

Why is there a need to empty huge trash dumpsters daily including Sunday? There apparently have been many complaints. Some of the residents have thrown rotten eggs at the trucks. So, the motive is most likely revenge, a concept quite dear to locals. The other two trash collection firms only make pickups twice per week and after 7am.

Stress continues unabated, most likely caused by the dreaded anticipation of upcoming decrepitude as well as death anxiety. There are daily encounters with fellow senior citizens at the gym and at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. A few of the senior citizen acquaintances are close in age including Bob, Gaylen, Myles, Mike, and Woody. Others are closer to 80 years of age including Chuck, Chip, Joel, Ignacio, Nick, and Bernard. All of them are suffering from various maladies. The subset of gym members are active, but their physiques are in varying stages of atrophy. Only the ol’ lavahead has maintained essentially the same physique since his thirties.

As stated previously in Notes, pretty much all of the residents in the “old folks home” are in bad shape. Most of them are in late stage decrepitude. Ambulances are coming and going with increasing frequency. There’s no way to avoid pondering decrepitude and death in such an environment.

Riding the bus daily also provides excellent exposure to decrepitude and dereliction, both young and old. What is baffling is how those people can tolerate being like that? Their physical dispositions are obviously chosen voluntarily. And, what’s worse is that they cannot even make themselves look slightly presentable. Get a haircut. Wear clean clothes. Walk erect. Lose some weight. And, ditch the face mask. Sheesh!

Well, the Watch Series 9 is still the center of attention in the mausoleum. Really? No, not really. However, the device continues to monitor health, but not fitness, parameters. Heck, even the Watch Reddit is perused daily. Is being a Watch nerd even possible?

Without the evening outings, there is too much time in the mausoleum with nothing to do. Well, at least the dreadful houseboy chores are done. And, there’s only so much to read within the limited approved Web site list. Listening to approved music with the AirPods Pro 2 occurs, maybe, once every two weeks. Yeah, it’s all “fucked up,” to put it lightly.

Monday, February 26

The Levant

Martyr Aaron Bushnell

The crisis in Gaza appears to worsen by the day. At this point in time, the next step in the Zionist democidal pogrom will occur on March 10th (Ramadan) with a full-on military assault on Rafah. Notes makes an exception to the recent decision to defer discussions about current or geopolitical affairs.

Many “armchair generals” have been vocal about the insouciance of the many Arab nation-states for their refusal to intervene. Unfortunately, Israel is a sovereign state. The only recourse, albeit futile, is by means of diplomatic “channels” such as the severely compromised UN. Thus, only non-state actors such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and assorted Islamic Resistance groups are able to militarily respond. The only quasi-state actor has been Ansarallah of Yemen. Of course, many of the Arab states are just puppet regimes of empire.

Needless to say, the response to rabid Zionism appears to be timid. However, there appears to be a greater plan, possibly of the “death by a thousand cuts” strategy. The entire “Axis of Resistance” appears to have been trained accordingly by higher level state actors. Iran comes to mind. Yet, there may be an even higher level.

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has constantly been criticized by the “armchair generals” for moving too slow to bring an end to the Ukraine proxy war. Vladimir Putin is no fool. He understands the evil machinations of the “garden variety” Fascists. He knows that the latter wish to destroy Russia and absorb the spoils. He also knows that the Fascists are clinically insane and have no qualms about a thermonuclear war erupting. Thus, he has been moving in a slow calculated fashion, delivering “death by a thousand cuts.”

Iran, like Russia, has survived and thrived even amidst severe “Western” sanctions. Militarily, Iran has become quite formidable, what with all of the new indigenously produced weaponry. Iran could easily destroy Israel or the entire Levant. However, it has taken a more reserved approach. Iran has most likely trained the “Axis of Resistance,” although it is unlikely to be involved in day-to-day decision structures of the latter. The Iranian leadership is also keenly aware that the insane Fascists are salivating at the prospect of igniting the entire Levant through its Zionist proxy. No doubt, much of that awareness came to fruition with the increased ties to Russia.

The leadership in Iran is also fully aware that it can survive a large-scale regional war. However, what would be the price? There would much devastation and destruction all across the Levant with unacceptable casualties. Economies of the affected nation-states would be impacted, if not totally decimated. That is exactly what the Fascists desire. Therefore, avoiding war is a primary concern, not cowardice.

Then, too, there is little doubt that Chinese President Xi Jinping is fully cognizant of the fact that the Fascists have China in the “crosshairs.” No doubt, there is much more than just energy resource transfers between China and Russia. China remains an enigma for the Fascists, primarily because China doesn’t aggressively express its intentions (perhaps due to Confucian antecedents).

There may be a breaking point, though. That all depends on the Fascists and what they order their Zionists puppets to perpetrate. And, that’s what people like martyr Aaron Bushnell are warning about. These Fascists are extremely dangerous. They are “losin’ it” because Vladimir Putin took them down in Ukraine. Now, they are like rabid dogs that need to be “put to sleep” permanently.

Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open. One new document added.

Wednesday, February 21

More Musings 2024

Every six months or so, another bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold …occurs. And, to make matters worse, another cold front crept in about two weeks ago. Between cold ambient temperatures and sleep deprivation, illin’ was inevitable. The usual symptoms (as chronicled previously in Notes) appeared on Sunday. Needless to say, melancholia has increased.

Obviously, there have been no evening outings. There’s absolutely nothing to do in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. What about the Apple® Watch? Well, there’s no reason to fiddle with the device. Nearly all of the settings can be tweaked using the iPhone. In addition, all of the data on the Watch is transferred to the iPhone Health “app” three times daily. The Health “app” processes the data for organized viewing. The Watch is essentially a data collection tool. Thus, the battery in the Watch only depletes about 30% daily.

Incidentally, the need for blood-oxygen tracking on the Watch is superfluous. The main purpose of blood-oxygen readings is “super-duper corona.” That’s right. Blood-oxygen allegedly drops rapidly in severe cases of “COVID” … the “app” is obviously suited for the devoted face mask crowd or the fanatical parishioners of the Church of Comirnaty.

The Mindfulness “app” on the Watch has yet to be deployed. In actuality, Notes serves a better function even without reporting moods. Notes already isolates abnormal trends and provides essential details in the third-party format. Mood can be interpolated from the latter.

At present, Notes will continue to avoid discussions about current and geopolitical events (as delineated in the Notes post titled, “Course Correction”). The approved Web sites are still being perused several times daily. Personal opinion concerning the “garden variety” Fascists and their puppets has not changed. The evil democidal pogroms being perpetrated by the latter puppets will eventually cause the “chickens to come home and roost.” Choke da chicken!

Addendum: Socks have been worn to keep the feet warm at night. The Mainstays® quartz heater will not be unboxed and redeployed. However, there has been some deliberation on the procurement of pajamas. Oh, the joys of senior citizenship!

Friday, February 16

Musings 2024

Yesterday, upon arrival at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, an encounter and subsequent conversation ensued with neighbor Ignacio. He was heading to the International Marketplace. Apparently, he was scheduled for some kind of heart procedure (this afternoon actually), and he did not want to sit in his mausoleum and ruminate about the outcome. He believes that the issue stems from blood clots. “Keep me in your prayers,” he said.

Last night, sleep seemed to be decent. The Apple® Watch Sleep “app” concurred. HRV was up to 72ms, which is well above the senior citizen range. By late afternoon HRV was down to 54ms, which was expected. Sleep appears to affect HRV, which then affects mood and temperament. Stress and anxiety had also abated.

Incidentally, fitness tracking on the Watch Series 9 has not been enabled. There is no easy way to track the weight workout. Cardio workouts are much easier to track. There’s no sense in tracking just half of the workouts.

There have been no evening outings to the International Marketplace or Ala Moana Center since last reported. The Sunday morning coffee time at Ala Moana Center will continue as necessary. Evening time in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” is not conducive to elation by any means. However, many household chores and grooming tasks are being facilitated.

What about FOMO? Well, that’s probably going to require some kind of “mindfulness” intervention. Benign activities (e.g., loitering at the International Marketplace or shopping at Ala Moana Center) do not suppress FOMO. Well, shopping for new “shiny objects” like the Apple® Watch may reduce FOMO temporarily, but it’s not a cure.

FOMO is a function of death (or denial of same). FOMO increases with age because the lifespan shortens. The whole issue of death has been covered by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. The links to download PDF files of his works are provided in the Notes post appropriately titled, “Death.”

Thus, the recent bouts of anxiety (and associated “panic” attacks) are centered on death … death anxiety. What is even more dreadful is the thought of physical decrepitude, which will come within a few short years. There is almost no way to reconcile the latter. It’s actually a fate worse than death.

Wednesday, February 14

High Anxiety 2024

Anxiety, chronic anxiety, is a killer. It’s hard on the mind. It’s hard on the body. Seeking the cause(s) has been a priority for the last few days. The anxiety in question is not new. It has been chronicled in Notes, which is a good reason for the existence of Notes.

The close proximity of death has been previously assigned the cause of anxiety. However, upon closer scrutiny, there is “more than meets the eye.” The inevitable decline into geriatric decrepitude is equally a cause and a major stressor. The myriad decrepit senior citizens on display at the “old folks home” in Waikiki mirrors the not-so-distant future. Oh, the horror!

Endlessly dealing with incredibly stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, and inconsiderate morons is another cause and stressor. The sad fact is that the majority of the population is now in the latter group, and it is growing. Aside from the exhaustive accounts of stupidity chronicled in Notes, the morons continue to “push the envelope.” For example, the sheer number of fucktards who use the speakerphone function or play loud music on their “smartphones” in public is mind boggling. The shitty little speakers in the devices, with the shrill and squeaky sound, grates on the nerves.

Then, there are all of the imbeciles still wearing face masks full-time. The ridiculous face mask mandate was rescinded one year and ten months ago. Not only do the fools look idiotic, they also have a spooky aura. Aren’t they fully “vaccinated” and “boostered”?

And, of course, the malignant and democidal activities of the “garden variety” Fascists is causing extreme duress. So much so that the daily reading of the news on the approved Web site list has been reduced to skimming. There’s no doubt that more focused attention will generate extreme rage with no feasible outlet. Even discussion in Notes has been limited.

There are many other tedious issues contributing to anxiety, including widespread incompetence, rampant “shrinkflation,” “things fall apart,” brain dead tourists, etc. The increasing balance of the investment accounts coupled with the stubborn miserly ways are also major stressors. 

The health metrics generated on the Watch Series 9 are being reviewed daily on the iPhone Health “app.” One correction is in order … the Sleep “app” is actually able to determine if the subject is in the supine position motionless with insomnia. HRV has improved. All other indicators appear to be normal.

There has been no attempt to indulge in “mindfulness” so far. A few of the related “apps” have been perused. Subscription versions are immediately rejected. The underlying premise of mindfulness seems to be meditation, a seemingly “New Age” concept. Well, that’s probably better than a prescribed psychotropic medication (i.e., anxiolytic). Sheesh!

Addendum: The chronic anxiety is suppressed adequately only during the cardio part of the workout at the gym on the elliptical machine and the cooldown on the recumbent bicycle.

Miscellany: No comment on the Tucker Carlson interview with Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin since it wasn’t even viewed personally. Nothing new anyway. Vladimir Putin has been publicly discussing those matters and more for over a decade.

Sunday, February 11

Watchful Friend

Yeah, the past three years have been a deviant adventure in surrealism. Personally, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic was a real “eye opener.” Rather than get caught up in the hoax and hysteria, an alternative path was embarked upon. That’s when the whole Fascist plan of the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) became plainly evident. The decades of foggy obfuscation cleared up. And, the understanding that the Fascists were working overtime was evident well before the cheesy nomenclature. Of course, that’s probably when the chronic anxiety began to ramp up.

Even today, the masses of rank-and-file peons are still clueless. They diligently wear their face masks. They run to the clinic to get “boostered” with the latest rendition of the mRNA bioweapon. There is no way to communicate with these fools except superficial small talk. In essence, the last three years have brought on more isolation and more misanthropic attitudes. Being totally alone increases neurosis and anxiety.

Then, there is the matter of residing in an “old folks home.” The geriatric residents are all in serious mental and physical decline. Nearly all of them wear face masks full-time. And, there is no need to wonder if they have embraced the mRNA bioweapon. Heck, they are all parishioners at the Church of Comirnaty!

All of the aforementioned have been discussed adequately in Notes over the last three years. So, the point is moot. Of course, the current main component of anxiety is the closeness of death. The chaotic and democidal world events, as orchestrated by the Fascists, is certainly not helping.

Well, the Apple® Watch has certainly provided some diversion. Sleep tracking has not revealed much more than what was known prior. From what can be ascertained, just remaining still in the supine position with insomnia is mistakenly recognized as sleep. No heart palpitations have been detected. Heart rate variation (HRV) is too low, even for a senior citizen. HRV has been linked to stress and mental duress. Blood-oxygen saturation is close to 100 percent. And, an EKG has yet to be performed.

The Apple® Watch is like a good friend now, the only friend. Perhaps the on-board Siri should be enabled. It can answer questions about any data on the device without a Net connection. That’s probably a higher quality conversation than what can be afforded by myriad fools in proximity. Sheesh!

Addendum: The Copilot “app” (using GPT-4) still resides on the iPhone 15 Pro. So, technically, it could also be a friend.

Saturday, February 10

Mea Culpa

There were several posts in the Notes archive that mocked the Apple® Watch as a foolish gadget for hypochondriacs. Well, this is a mea culpa moment. Two days were required to set up the Watch Series 9 and properly synchronize it with the Health “app.” Unfortunately, the Activity and Workout “apps” must also be tethered, both of which will remain dormant for the time being. For now, fitness tracking is not of any importance.

The Watch Series 9 now provides heart rate, sleep tracking, blood-oxygen monitoring, EKG, and environmental noise data. Although the device functions adequately as a standalone, the integration with the Health “app” allows for archiving all the data and provides a better interface for viewing. The device is not a professional medical instrument, but it offers adequate information for personal use. It can also signal when medical assistance is needed.

There has been intuitive evidence that the heart palpitations, chronic anxiety, insomnia, and melancholia are interrelated. The root of the problem and, hence the target of cure, is anxiety. There are no over-the-counter solutions, short of cheap booze or illicit drugs. Anxiolytics are dispensed only with medical prescriptions. The cause of the fentanyl epidemic becomes quite clear, eh?

The Watch Series 9 comes with a small Mindfulness “app.” The iPhone has the new Journal “app.” Perhaps brushing off those options as too “New Age” was premature. The old “blog” was actually quite therapeutic. Since the inception of Notes in the sporadic third-party format, the anxiety has increased exponentially. Correlation?

All that to say the Watch Series 9 has become a valuable possession. The smaller size is quite “cute,” too. The device is not just a wristwatch. It’s a lifesaver.

Wednesday, February 7

Watch Series 9

An Apple® Watch Series 9 was procured this afternoon from Target® (on sale for $329). Well, the saga commenced on Monday when a special trip was made to Ala Moana Center to purchase the device. The salesperson at Target® stated that the device could only be purchased on-line because of the hullabaloo over the blood-oxygen sensor. So, an attempt was made to order the device. The charge went through and the order was confirmed. However, the order was cancelled shortly afterward for no apparent reason.

After much internal debate for two days, the decision was made to purchase the Watch SE (on sale for $199) since the device could be purchased in-person. So, another trip was made to Ala Moana Center. A different salesperson was encountered. Just before purchasing the Watch SE, the sales person was queried about the puzzling on-line order cancellation. He responded that the Watch Series 9 could be purchased right there, no problem. So, that’s how the latter device came into personal possession.

Well, long story short, the entire ordeal was just another test of the impenetrable miserly ways. There is a desire to spend money more liberally, but not on useless crap (e.g., portable Bluetooth® speaker). And, really, there isn’t much else that an old codger really needs. The Watch Series 9 is somewhat useful. The need to use the iPhone 15 Pro as a clock is no longer necessary. And, the heart rate and EKG monitor on the device may detect the sporadic heart palpitations. The blood-oxygen “app” still resides on the device, but it could disappear when the firmware update is performed.

On a side note, the Braun® electric foil shaver was donated at the Goodwill kiosk in Kahala Mall last Friday afternoon. A quick trip was made there just to donate the latter and the AC outlet timer. The notorious stairway that caused the last torn calf muscle incident was avoided.

Addendum: The Sleep “app” on the Watch Series 9 will be used to monitor the ongoing sleep deprivation issue. 

Miscellany: A box of disposable foam earplugs was recently purchased at Longs® using the CVS® gift card. Sometimes the simplest analog solution is best.

Update: The model number of the Watch Series 9 was verified to not be included in the deprecation of the blood-oxygen “app.”