Friday, March 31
Logistics 2023
Thursday, March 30
Tuesday, March 28
Walmart® & Other Updates
Commencing today, the entire inventory in the downtown Walmart® store is being sold with a 25% discount. Aside from the fruits for lunch, three boxes of Hello® (no fluoride) toothpaste was purchased using the Humana® Healthy Benefits+® card. The current stock of Crest® toothpaste will be donated to the small community table in the entrance lobby of the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Until the store closes permanently, shopping for any needed products will be a daily priority. The goal is to postpone the need to shop at Ala Moana Center as long as possible,
A couple of off-brand shorts (light gray color) were purchased at Ross® for $18 (with senior citizen discount). All of the “long” shorts currently in possession will be donated to charity, even those that were recently purchased.
The new Under Armour® hooded rain jacket arrived. It is rather nice and much more comfortable than its predecessor. So, the changes in casual wardrobe are pretty much completed. These are the “twilight years.” Soon, only old codger attire will be needed.
Miscellany: No outing to the International Marketplace this evening. There’s no telling when the next visit will be. The reason? Idiotic tourists.
Monday, March 27
Prince Kuhio Day 2023
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Prince Kuhio |
Prince Kuhio Day … oh, if only he was here to witness the wide-scale debauchery that has transformed the islands into a hellhole! Well, he’s fortunate to not have that experience.
Morning coffee time was located outside in the little courtyard opposite Tamarind Park since the dining area in the fast food joint was closed. The occasion was essentially ruined because of all of the traffic and noise created by a roadblock up the street. Apparently, a crew was filming some kind of automobile chase scene, most likely for the shitty tube series, “Hawai’i Five-O.”
The highlight (term used loosely) of the day was the return to the International Marketplace for a brief loitering session in the evening. The event was not necessarily voluntary. With no chair in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, there’s no place to sit except on the concrete floor. In addition, someone apparently has access to the former community room right above the mausoleum. Whomever was in there apparently was having too much fun dragging the furniture around and dropping heavy objects on the floor. Are the majority of people just really stupid? Is Molech great? So, the International Marketplace was the only viable alternative. On a positive note, the mall is now open daily until 9pm. Wheee!
The new slingpack was deployed for the outing. The slingpack is not very comfortable in use. However, it is preferred over the sackpack alternative. The International Marketplace was filled with tourists as to be expected, mostly the idiotic variety. Nothing new, eh? Well, at least the free wireless network is really good.
On the way back to the mausoleum at 9pm, a stopover was made at the ABC Store. An overpriced muffin and a big-ass can of Corona® cerveza were purchased to celebrate the shitty state-of-affairs. The muffin was easily recognized as a repackaged Costco® bulk product. Well, at least the customer service at the ABC Store is pretty decent.
Addendum: The iOS 16.4 update was installed on the iPhone 14 Pro, mostly for the security updates and bug fixes. At least the Settings “app” is finally being cleaned up.
Miscellany: While at the ABC Store, the discovery was made that certain fruits and hard-boiled eggs were available at fairly reasonable prices. Once the Walmart® in town closes, a stopover at the ABC Store to purchase the aforementioned food products may be made before departure to town on the bus.
Sunday, March 26
Degeneration 2023
Wednesday, March 22
Ghost Town
The Walmart® store in town will be closing permanently on April 21st, with management citing “underperformance” as the reason. While that may be true, theft and other crimes committed in the store are most likely the main cause. That goes for the closure of both Longs® locations in town as well.
That bit of news, of course, really ruined what would have been a nice day. Personally, there has been heavy reliance on that Walmart® store to purchase necessary food products including the daily fruit for lunch. There’s no other comparable retail store in the area. There was much “gnashing of teeth” while attempting to determine a contingency.
So, the only possible option is to venture out several times per week in the late afternoon or evening to either Ala Moana Center or Kahala Mall. Or, food shopping could be accommodated by patronizing the new and overpriced Waikiki Market. Needless to say, those dim prospects brought on severe mental fatigue. There was not enough energy to even complete an on-line order for an airchair.
The Ross® store in town is only large retail establishment remaining. However, the bottom floor now has an extreme amount of empty space. There would be no surprise if an announcement about its closure is forthcoming. Once the store closes, downtown will be officially dead, a ghost town.
Well, that’s not exactly true. There are still a lot of people who work in town. And, the downtown gym has no intention of closing. There are myriad eateries and fast food joints in town, too. Only time will tell if the latter can survive.
The homeless, the halfway house derelicts, and the clinically insane who roam the streets and loiter everywhere … they have essentially won. They “own” the downtown area now. And, it’s going to get worse.
On a side note, there are a few more gym members who are MIA. There’s no purpose in keeping track of them. They are all fully “vaccinated” and must take responsibility for their foolishness. If they “keeled over” … oh well. Too bad.
With just three days remaining before the one-year mark of the rescinding of the face mask mandate, there are still about 30% of the local population who are wearing the ridiculous prophylactic full-time. There are another 10% or so who will put on a face mask before entering enclosed or crowded venue. These people are borderline clinically insane. They cannot be helped.
Miscellany: “Orange Bad Man” has yet to be arrested and incarcerated. WTF?
Monday, March 20
Farce 2023
On the eve of the alleged arrest and incarceration of “Orange Bad Man,” what more is there to say? The entire “West” and empire are locked in some kind of sophomoric sitcom script, now including bank failures, a ridiculous ICC arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the farcical indictment of “Orange Bad Man.” So much clownish activity is going on. The Fascists have been really busy, eh? The only suggestion is to follow the solid sources cited in Notes.
The beloved chair (donated to the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki by Randy and Austin) has finally broke. It was unceremoniously deposited in the trash dumpster. To its credit, it lasted well over two years. Now, there is nothing to sit on except the floor. There is some contemplation about ordering an inflatable “beanless bag” chair.
The ordeal with “COVID” officially ended the day after the last Notes post. There are still artifacts of symptoms, mostly minor post-nasal drip and coughing.
The heart palpitations have become a regular event, usually a few hours in duration per event. There was a brief temptation to purchase an Apple® Watch 8 device because of its heart monitoring and EKG functionality. Yet, what’s the point? The palpitations are definitely occurring. Watch 8 isn’t going to provide a cure, only more duress from hypochondria.
Miscellany: The Mainstays® quartz heater was finally boxed up for storage until next Winter.
Friday, March 17
Wednesday, March 15
Ides of March 2023
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Ides of March — 44 BC |
The situation in empire continues to disintegrate into chaos. Truth about anything cannot be ascertained. There are, of course, appearances that some kind of justice will prevail over “super-duper corona,” subsequent “vaccine,” and myriad other travesties. However, controlled opposition is really what’s occurring. The real opposition has long ago fragmented. To reiterate, Notes no longer offers commentary on such issues.
For that matter, Notes concurs with the assessment by the Daily Stormer:
We’re all sick of these sickening vaxies still wearing their masks long after it’s been fully exposed that the “pandemic” was a hoax.
We warned them over and over again, and they just kept doing this insane stuff because the media told them to. They all just need to die. I’m really disappointed the vax is taking so long to wipe them out.
So say we all!
The internal focus has been on the Ukraine conflict … well, the proxy war between the collective “West” and the Russian Federation. The Fascists have apparently abandoned all other ventures (leaving their minions to fend for themselves) and are now fully engaged in this war.
On this Ides of March, the only message offered here is to encourage and maintain any form of opposition even on an individual basis.
And, of course, personal appreciation is offered to the the small handful of visitors to Notes. Fond farewell to visitors who are not returning from this point forward.
Friday, March 10
Wednesday, March 8
C'est la Vie
The battle with “COVID” continues. Unlike the “COVID” incident last July, there has been no acquisition of any over-the-counter pharmaceutical elixirs. Generic cough drops, Chloraseptic® Max sore throat lozenges, and a Vicks® VaporInhaler stick (acquired with Humana® Heathy Benefits+® card, formerly OTC Card) are all that being used to combat the pathogen. The main common ingredient is menthol which soothes the throat and acts as a decongestant. The symptoms, oddly, resemble the common cold … nasal congestion, post-nasal drip and associated coughing spells, sore throat, and loss of taste and smell.
Well, as posted in the Notes archive, the common cold is caused by a coronavirus. And, that’s what “COVID” really is. The mind is boggled by the sheer quantity of mucus that is generated by the body to block the nasal passages and create a post-nasal avalanche (which induces violent coughing and gagging spells). From prior experience, the duration of the infection is about three weeks to a month. If hydroxychloroquine was available here, the duration would be significantly less after treatment.
The daily routine remains the same even under illin’ conditions. A slight change is that dinner is procured earlier in order to facilitate an early return to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Chores and other personal duties are being fulfilled but not in an orderly manner.
Another tank top (black color) was ordered and received from Under Armour®, even though the last one has yet to be deployed. The old Everlast® tank top, acquired over 15 years ago, is still being worn at the gym. Synthetic fabric sure has a long “shelf life.”
There has been no attempt to contact immediate family about moms’ passing and the scheduling of the funeral. Illin’ could be used as an excuse, but the latter is not credible. However, in the Notes post titled, “Moms’ Dilemma,” of June 27th in the 2019 year, a vow was made to never attend another funeral again. And, the situation (and remedy) with immediate family was detailed in the post titled, “Notes from Hawai’i Kai,” on October 15th of the same year.
That is the current state-of-affairs. There was one other matter, that of the future of Notes. There was some banter either in Notes or the legacy “blog” that the ideal time to finally and permanently mummify this on-line presence would be appropriate after moms’ passing. In essence, the end of this family line is approaching. And, there simply is not much more to say.
Miscellany: Pain has been observed in the left cheek bone since a couple of days ago. The pain may be related to what may be the emergence of the last wisdom took in the upper left corner. The tooth does not appear to be normal.
Addendum: There was another two-hour bout of heart palpitations yesterday. Frankly, there is no reason to believe that any subsequent event of that nature won’t cause death. There will be no attempt to go to any clinic or hospital. Face masks are required in those institutions in Hawai’i. In addition, a bogus PCR test will be probably be required for admittance. The bogus test will most likely return a false positive. Then, forced “vaccination” and deadly Remdesivir treatments. Better to die with dignity.
Saturday, March 4
The throat irritation resulted in no sleep last night, so the day commenced in a groggy state. Not even a potent cup of coffee (from the other fast food joint in town) could remedy the situation. Other sign of the common cold were becoming manifest rapidly.
The gym workout began in earnest, but fatigue was definitely a counterforce. That is neither here or there. Pops’ second wife, who also is a member of the gym, relayed a message from the sister-law. Moms, at 101 years of age, apparently passed on about a week ago. Thus, the information from Sam a few days ago was correct.
At this point in time, there is not much to say. Surprisingly, there has not been a swell of emotions, same as the case with pops’ passing. Internally, questions were raised about the existence of personal humanity and the ability to experience grief.
There are no other comments at this time. Of course, illin’ does not help matters. The status quo will continue in the interim.
Friday, March 3
Fuck It Friday - 13
Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! Absolutely nothing is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!
A few days ago, at 11pm, data and (apparently) text messaging stopped functioning on the iPhone 14 Pro device. Voice calls were still functional. The next morning, a quick check revealed that all features of Visible service were functional. Fuck it!
Oddly, the mind was not able to make a connection with the various posts appearing on the Visible sub-reddit about an SMS outage affecting a huge swath of customers across empire. The outage had apparently lasted at least three days until the fix arrived sometime on Thursday.
Some of the iPhone anti-theft mitigations outlined in the previous Notes post have been rolled back. The reliable pseudonym has been restored to the AppleID profile. Location services has been shut off. The Find My utility is essentially useless against sophisticated thieves anyway. The best protection is a long alphanumeric passcode and vigilance to insure that the lock screen is activated immediately when the device is idle. Screen Time is still an option to lock AppleID and iCloud in case the passcode is compromised.
The iPhone passcode is the single, most important first-line of defense. If the device is snatched in an unlocked state, the thief will not be able to find any personal or confidential information on the device or iCloud, not even a real name. There are no installed third-party “apps,” so all important transactions are accomplished through the Web browser only. The only listing of personal accounts is locked in the Keychain password manager. Fuck it!
The showers in the downtown gym were available on Wednesday. So, the tedious daily afternoon trek to the Kapi’olani gym is no longer necessary. Going back to the old routine is a welcome relief.
Expenses last month only amounted to $630 in total, which is not much more than the mendicant level that was maintained for decades. In short, there’s just no way to spend more money. Fuck it!
Addendum: The iPhone passcode was returned to the dangerous 4-digit option. The device is ready to be stolen.
Miscellany: The day ended with severe throat irritation. “COVID,” you think? To add to the misery, heart palpitations came “back with a vengeance” for about two hours. Surprised to still be alive.