Friday, July 15

Corona Wars

The battle with alleged “super-duper corona” continues, now on its 14th day. On Wednesday, an out-of-the-way side trip was made to the Pali Longs® store in search of any kind of cure. The entire stock in the cold and flu section was nearly depleted, just as it was at Walmart®. Again, there was a huge supply of cough drops. There’s no doubt that something “fishy” is going on.

The post-nasal drip continues unabated, which triggers gagging and coughing spells. A bottle of CVS® Tussin DM was procured. The limit has been one dose per day, just before sleep time. The ingredients (e.g., PEG) of the product are quite alarming, by the way.

On Tuesday, the decision was made to reduce dinner appropriations to anything inexpensive, the reason being that taste and smell have been severely attenuated. Thus, canned beans and greasy hamburgers (using the survey coupon deals) from the fast food joint were the chosen fare. The ability to taste food gradually returned today. The greasy hamburgers actually tasted good.

Workouts at the gym have continued regardless. Weight training has been normal. However, cardio workouts continue to be very limited. Of course, the freezing air conditioning at the gym has been no help.

Addendum: No attempt has been made to use the fast antigen test kit to determine “super-duper corona” positivity. The public claim of  a “corona” infection is being made anyway in order to generate hostility from the “vaccinated.” There are only three test kits remaining in personal possession, which will all be donated soon.

Miscellany: Coffee time was modified on Friday by eliminating the creamer (which only exacerbates the production of phlegm).

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