Friday, June 24


Both e-mail and voicemail was received on Thursday from from the investment firm about a required change to personal investment accounts. Since there seemed to be some urgency to the matter, a phone call was made this morning. During the eight-minute wait in the queue, an attempt was made to guess what the topic would be. The only possible candidate was an update of beneficiaries. Sure enough, once connected to the service representative, a query about beneficiaries was forthcoming.

In the 40+ years with the same investment firm, there has never been an unsolicited phone call from a service representative. The conclusion? The investment firm is fully aware of “sudden death syndrome” and is now proactively insuring that all clients have designated beneficiaries. Of course, the crisis has its origins with the bioweapon “gene therapy,” but no mention of the latter is found anywhere.

The daily “cases” of “super-duper corona” in Hawai’i is about 750 people, a significant reduction from a couple of weeks ago. Face masks and the “vaccines” are being touted as the reasons for the alleged improvement. Meanwhile, monkeypox “cases” have risen to six people.

The long-awaited approval of the bioweapon “gene therapy” for children 6 months to five years of age is here, and there are many locations in Hawai’i that will be open bright and early tomorrow morning for everyone’s “vaccination” convenience. Since this is a “blue” and highly “vaccinated” state, the waiting lines are likely to be very long.

The Supreme Court decision to nullify empire-wide abortion rights is a “non-starter” for Notes. The individual states will determine their own applicable laws, as it should be. The whole affair is bad political theater. The Supremos, however, have now given the excuse for the so-called “liberals” to launch “mostly peaceful” rampage protests this Summer. Ho-hum.

The Kaliningrad blockade by NATO stooge-state Lithuania is also a “non-starter.” Lots of mainstream “fake news” media gasbags are now engaging in war chants, all nonsense. Have any of the Fascists hastily relocated to the Global South? When that happens, start packing.

Miscellany: So far, the FOIA request for Aunty Lyn’s social security number has been in limbo. Apparently, such requests now require a minimum of 100 days before servicing. No doubt, “staff shortages” and a huge backlog of requests due to “sudden death syndrome” are to blame.

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