Next month will mark the passing of the second year of the “super-duper corona” hoax in Hawai’i, and the bullshit is still going strong. Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve”? April will mark two years of the ridiculous face mask mandate, the one cherished by faggot “Karen.”
There’s no doubt that collateral damage has been high. Just ponder the “mass formation psychosis” of faggot “Karen” and multiply that by the sheer number of overzealous members of the Church of Comirnaty. The only hope is that the spike proteins manufactured in their bodies will put them out of their misery real soon.
The “unvaccinated” opposition has also suffered. From a personal vantage point, there is no doubt that psychological trauma has ensued. And, the result is also permanent. In the last embedded video of Dr. Mike Yeadon, for example, the fatigue and frustration is fairly evident and has taken a toll on him.
Even Notes has lost its way. However, its content seriously reflects the prevailing personal thought and mood. And, what is clearly obvious is that the entire persona has been assimilated into the “super-duper corona” collective. Soon, there will be little left of the individual. Of course, that’s all rolling with the plan of the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”). Resistance is futile.
Notes is now in permanent archive form. There is much appreciation that Notes wasn’t censored or “deplatformed” in the interim. Of course, with zero readership, Notes poses no threat to anyone. However, now could be the time to mummify Notes. After all, what has really changed since the beginning of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic? Time kept rolling along, but every other dimension was frozen.
Two years have elapsed and all that matters is “super-duper corona,” the face masks, the “vaccine,” and the upcoming “passport.” That’s all there is. Sure, people are returning to old routines, or so they believe. However, the prevalent structures (i.e., social, economic, governmental, etc.) are not the same. And, the associated mental processes have also changed … for the worse. Essentially, everyone has been reprogrammed for the Great Re-shit.
Again, with respect to Notes, what is left to discuss? Nothing! Thus, there is serious contemplation to move, at least temporarily, to a “microblog” platform. The idea makes sense because life for the rank-and-file peons, especially the “unvaccinated,” is going to take a turn for the worse. Nothing is going to stop the Fascists unless a real international tribunal can be established with the Great Re-shit criminals rounded up and sent to the beloved “chair” (read: electric chair). As long as they remain alive and free, the Great Re-shit will keep coming back like a bad sitcom.

Notes has participated in the opposition by posting relevant information (apparently for nobody). Yet, what good is the truth if no one sees it or no one cares? That is what’s going on right now. The censorship regime is so severe that the truth will never “see the light of day.” And, “mass formation psychosis” will act as an effective buffer for the masses as well. Thus, the opposition has been reduced to “preaching to the choir.”
Further, there is little doubt that, if a real international tribunal is launched, the Fascists will be left with no other option than to destroy the entire planet by initiating a thermonuclear war. If they can’t get what they want, no one else will either. Notes analyses is sound, and soon others will come to the same conclusion.
Many of the leaders in the opposition are proposing that parallel societies can be created and made to coexist with the Great Re-shit collective. That’s a ludicrous proposal. The Fascists will hunt down and exterminate the opposition without negotiation. Or, they will be forced into the slave labor class after reprogramming.
All of the opposition must realize that the main goal right now is to stop the “vaccine passport.” If the latter is allowed to gain traction, it will quickly be converted to the universal digital “health” passport. Then, it will simply evolve into the universal digital passport. Then, the Great Re-shit will metastasize into total malignancy. At that point, most of the peon remnant will wish they were dead.

The opposition should realize that … game over! There’s nothing to lose anymore. Notes foresees a great tribulation and a great war, the last war for humanity. The Fascists will dispatch their “vaccinated” (read: programmed) troops, AI drones, and AI-enhanced weaponry to exterminate the opposition remnant. The outcome cannot be predicted, but odds are in the Fascists’ favor. No matter what, the opposition will fight the good fight. They are on the “right side of history,” if there is still anything left of history. Many of the opposition have stated that this will be the “hill to die on.” For that, they are indeed correct.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire
essential Fascist library! Also, view all the timely video interviews featured in Notes.