Saturday, January 1

New Shit 2022

Lots of celebrations everywhere last night, but there was no personal participation. Exactly what is there to celebrate? The “cases” of “super-duper corona” will surge as partygoers flock to the testing centers today. Then, the “hammer,” as the mayor of Honolulu stated, will “come down hard.” The Fascists always announce their intentions.

The fireworks show in Waikiki was not canceled, a clear sign that the Fascists are actually encouraging situations that will increase the “case” count. The “hammer” has been there all along, just waiting for the opportune moment. When are the masses of fools going to realize that they are being “played”?

Well, fortunately there was a rainstorm that commenced at 11pm. That kept the crowd formations from occurring. However, people who stood out in the rain could end up illin’ and test positive when they frantically run to the testing centers today. Oh, the irony!

Miscellany: The numbness in the right outer thigh, most likely meralgia paresthetica, has become a daily occurrence. The symptoms only occur while attempting to sleep. Unfortunately, sleep has been nearly impossible because the tingling is intense and quite painful. And, going to any medical clinic is out of the question (for obvious reasons).

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