Laurence Guy — Untitled Needs
Saturday, July 31
Friday, July 30
Thought Exercise
Thursday, July 29
Invalid Hypotheses
Tuesday, July 27
Orange Hoax Redux
“Orange Bad Man” has been making multiple feeble attempts at a comeback. Hopefully, he will fail. He is what can only be described as “controlled opposition,” a “fake” operative of the worst kind. What happened?
In a previous Notes post of the “prequel” title, the answer to the latter question was that “Orange Bad Man” either sold out or was a covert shill all along. In retrospect, there is another possibility.
During the peak of the “super-duper corona” hoax last year, “Orange Bad Man” and several other staffers were mysteriously infected with “super-duper corona.” The “fake news” media alleged that the infections occurred at a “superspreader” event in the Rose Garden. Does that sound suspicious, especially given newly revealed facts about the disease?
“Orange Bad Man” was supposedly in critical condition that nearly required intubation on a respirator. His doctors, however, gave him some kind of pharmaceutical “cocktail” that effectively cured him. Suspicious? Yeah, the whole event actually seems more like a sleazy B-movie in which the protagonist is injected with a lethal poison and forced to do something evil within a certain time or the antidote would be withheld.
Upon “recovery,” there were a lot of noticeable changes. “Orange Bad Man” became quite accommodating to Israel. He also commenced shilling the “vaccine” aggressively. He abandoned his base, the “deplorables.” And, so forth. Of course, he’s trying to present himself as 2016 “Orange Bad Man,” but he’s only reciting a tired, old script. Hopefully, he’ll fade away soon, and not keep coming back like a bad sitcom.
Addendum: The filthy kabuki theater of “Western” governments and associated vassal states is beyond redemption. Why the masses keep falling for the farce is beyond comprehension.
Monday, July 26
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Canceled! |
Saturday, July 24
Déjà Vu
The lieutenant governor of Hawai’i has openly suggested that a “two-week pause” on all social gatherings is necessary to “stop the spread of the deadly Delta variant” of “super-duper corona.” What he is saying in mealy-mouthed fashion is that the governor needs to declare an immediate “lockdown.” The big problem is that two weeks will easily end up being six months, just like last year. Déjà vu?
The aforementioned “official” bullshit will continue to ramp-up as the real truth slowly leaks out about the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and the dubious mRNA “vaccine.” Draconian measures are “right around the corner.”
The worldwide coordination of the exact same policies, methodology, slogans, and Draconian measures confirms that the nefarious planning has originated at the “top of the food chain.” The ruling élite are the moneychangers and powers-that-be often referred to in Notes and the legacy “blog.” The loyal sycophants, in descending order of that “food chain,” will be sacrificed when necessary to protect the select few. Yes, these idiots will have their comeuppance.
Why have so many people participated in promoting and facilitating the rampant chaos, murder, and destruction? The answer is simple … greed and corruption at all levels. How can the latter concept even be fully understood by the simpletons and rank-and-file peons?
In his recent book, former congressman Dennis Kucinich recounts the period (over 40 years ago) when he was mayor of Cleveland in the State of Ohio. He describes what transpired during the fight to keep the local publicly-owned electric utility from being “privatized.” There are vivid accounts of the graft, corruption, espionage, sabotage, extortion, and the pure filth that permeated the whole affair. And, that’s the way it is everywhere, even worse now.
Hawai’i has been an incubator of corruption for as long as memory serves. All branches of local government are corrupt cesspools that only serve to enrich the local ruling élite. The current elevated rail debacle is a case-in-point. Obviously, these fools answer to the empire-level ruling élite (who answer to the international ruling élite and so forth up the “food chain”). Incidentally, that where all of that fake money, “printed” into existence by global central banks, is going.
Addendum: Apparently, the island is now under “Tier 5” restrictions. When was this announced? Nothing has really changed with 98% of local residents still wearing face masks full-time.
Miscellany: The planned Notes post about “incel” bullshit has been deferred. In the old days, they were called “losers.” And, LoserNet was the definitive source of related information. However, the Daily Stormer has an article (primarily the last half) that discusses the subject quite well in encapsulated form. No disagreement here.
Notes Tip: When eating pork and beans straight out of the can, use a fork to drain off the sickening sauce. That should reduce the absorption of toxic plasticizers (BPA or equivalent) as well.
Friday, July 23
Project Fear Reprise
Wednesday, July 21
Tuesday, July 20
Sunday, July 18
Roach Motel
Saturday, July 17
Ho-Hum 2021
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Dr. “Bones” McCoy |
Thursday, July 15
Wednesday, July 14
Tuesday, July 13
Connecting Dots
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Propaganda Cup |
Upon procuring a cup of coffee at the fast food joint in town this morning, an unpleasant discovery was made. The standard cup was replaced with a new one emblazoned with “get vaccinated” propaganda. Therefore, a boycott will be self-mandated. And, who the hell is “we”?
Dr. Reiner Füellmich interviews Dr. David Martin in the embedded video. Although it is lengthy, there is an abundance of information that may “connect the dots” concerning the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and the experimental mRNA “vaccine.” Critical thinking is a prerequisite. In other words, if an individual has the propensity to dismiss information not from the “mainstream” media as “conspiracy theory,” then time should not be invested.
The controversial issue about the “isolation” of “super-duper corona” was also discussed. There have been many allegations that “super-duper corona” was never “isolated,” that is, using the strictest clinical definition. Further, by the loosest definition (currently in use), the “isolated” genome of “super-duper corona” was sequenced by splicing multiple fragments with missing segments being computer-generated.
There are a few points that can be extrapolated from Dr. Martin’s testimony. One is the possible reason that a traditional vaccine (with attenuated or inactive pathogen) was never developed (except by one Chinese pharmaceutical firm), that is, there was no “isolated” genome to work with. And, of course, the various biological patents described by Dr. Martin covering a span of over 20 years suggests that “super-duper corona” was a synthetic virus designed for biowarfare.
Addendum: A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Füellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
Monday, July 12
iPhone 12 Redux
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iPhone 12 |
The $829 iPhone 12 has proven to be a big disappointment. The hardware is fantastic, but the shitty battery was obviously a major compromise. Currently, battery health is registering at 93% (dropping about 1% per week). At that rate, the battery will be considered “seriously degraded” in a couple of months. Then, a $70 battery replacement will be needed. There is a one-year warranty, but the process is rather subjective.
Thus, all measures to preserve battery health have been abandoned (with the exception of critical privacy options, the suppression of annoying features, and the deletion of shitty system “apps”). The device will no longer be powered off at night. The only downtime will be the weekly “soft” reset. Battery charging will be performed daily. “Airplane mode” will still be fastidiously applied when the device is not in use. Alas, perhaps a return to a cheap and disposable “smartphone” is in order.
Reliance on the iPhone 12 has been reduced anyway. Perusing the news, including alternative news aggregators, is becoming a moot activity. There really is no way to determine whether any report is fact or fiction. Most of that crap is “fake news.”
And, as stated previously in Notes, the Spankbang site has become moot. Aside from the formulaic tediousness, the “thick” genre has really “gained traction.” There’s “thick,” and then there’s “THICK.” Sheesh!
Saturday, July 10
Different Toilet
Subsequent to procuring a Subway® sandwich last night, a bus ride to Ala Moana Center was in order. Dining in the Makai Market food court was okay, even given the huge crowds (as opposed to Thursday night). Just being able to loiter somewhere for an extended period was a welcome change.
Later, a belated visit to Barnes & Noble® ended up being quite shocking. All of the bookshelves inside the store have been rearranged in a layout that resembles a giant maze. There were many dead ends. What is the purpose of the maze? No doubt, “social distancing.” In any case, there was little reason to even bother looking around. That’s okay, most of the books are “woke” shit anyway.
Then, a brief jaunt was made to the East end of the mall. The top level, Ho’okipa Terrace, was teeming with people. The area is home to various restaurants and bars. Actually, there are hordes of people queued outside nearly all of the restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Soon, there will be claims that “clusters” of “super-duper corona” are breeding at those locations. Ho-hum.
A general observation of the crowds at Ala Moana Center and Waikiki is that many people have become less conscious of anything. Long-term face mask deployment has probably caused brain damage by hypoxia. Or, the spike proteins generated by the experimental mRNA “vaccine” may have crossed the blood-brain barrier and are now triggering micro-aneurysms. Severe cognitive degeneration is fairly obvious. If people are near comatose, how can they be “woke”? Perhaps many of them will be severely incapacitated or end up dead within a couple of years. Good riddance!
And now, a Notes public service announcement:
Miscellany: Alternative news aggregators are now being weaned along with many independent “blogs.” Anything published anywhere is suspect and is subject to purge. There’s just too much bullshit and propaganda. Primary reliance will be on “common sense.” Heck, even the Spankbang site has lost its luster.
Friday, July 9
Same Ol’ New Shit
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Makai Market Food Court |
That’s the view in the Makai Market food court in Ala Moana Center at 7:30pm on Thursday. Dining was very relaxed and most enjoyable. Thus, Panda Express® and a couple of other vendors are very viable venues for dinner. Subway® sandwiches may or may not be phased out entirely. Canned beans will still remain an option on random days.
Most of the retail stores are still closing at 7pm. However, that may change soon. After all, there is a huge surge in tourist arrivals because of the new “vaccination” exemption. People who are fully “vaccinated” with the experimental mRNA “vaccine” can bypass PCR test and quarantine requirements.
Local health “officials” are expecting 70% of the residents to be fully “vaccinated” within 8.5 weeks. The experimental mRNA “vaccine” is being touted as “fully safe and effective.”
On a side note, meralgia paraesthetica has returned “with a vengeance.” The most likely cause is the extended amount of time spent sitting on the tiny folding chair in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Yeah, another great “benefit” of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. The combination of itching, numbness, and pain along the right thigh has resulted in sleep deprivation.
Thursday, July 8
Hypnotic Regressions
Wednesday, July 7
Wing It Wednesday - 2
Wing It Wednesday (WIW)! Sporadic news and commentary of no particular interest to anyone ... WIW! The same ol’ shit is the primary focus of this edition.
Last night, dinner was courtesy Panda Express® in Ala Moana Center, as is the fare every Tuesday. That may soon change. Ala Moana Center is now extremely crowded every day. The corralled dining area is still operating at the same capacity since “Tier 3” and the hours are still limited. Thus, the enjoyment factor has severely diminished. Thursday has been an optional day for Panda Express®, but so far canned beans has been more appealing. Very sad.
Evening shopping in town has occurred over the last two days. On Monday, the desire to order a take-out sandwich from Subway® was overridden at the last minute by the utility and frugality of canned beans. Thus, a trip to town on the bus to Walmart was in order to purchase the latter.
Last night, a trip to town after dinner at Ala Moana Center was necessary to purchase a new pair of holo holo slippahs (read: slippers) at Ross® with the great senior citizen discount. And, more plantar wart treatment kits were procured from Longs®. Wheee!
There has been much anxiety with respect to spending money on replacing worn out, albeit necessary, possessions. Clearly, the denial of death is at play here. Most possessions will be replaced, maybe, two or three times at most before end of life. Sometimes these kinds of hard facts are difficult to grasp. So, what’s the solution? Just “wing it,” of course!
Miscellany: Haircuts (read: self-barbering) is now scheduled for every Monday. The reason? The hot summer weather has been really heating up the face of stone.
Monday, July 5
- Get rid of that “piece of shit” widescreen OLED propaganda tube sitting like a shrine in the “living room”
- Terminate all social media accounts
- Limit or mummify text messaging
- Delete all non-essential “apps” on “smartphones”
- Use an effective ad-blocker with all Web browsers.
- Turn off all notifications
- Mute the ringer and all other sound effects
- Turn off location services
- Put the device in “airplane mode” as much as possible
- Power off the device during sleep.
Sunday, July 4
Slave Day 2021
The last Slave Day update was two years ago. Not much has changed since that time. Well, that’s not entirely true. Life in empire has degenerated even more for the rank-and-file peons as neo-feudalism has come to the forefront.
The “super-duper corona” propaganda is ramping up again. The latest local “fake news” is that 98% of “cases” of “super-duper corona” are attributed to “unvaccinated” people. That’s easy to explain. People who are “vaccinated” have no need to submit to the bogus PCR test. They believe that they are “protected.”
Recently, a topic in Notes has been the proliferation of pornography. Frankly, the discussion was too limited. Nearly every aspect of modern life, particularly in the “West” and its vassal states, is pornographic. The food, the entertainment, the culture, the religions, the institutions, the media, the government, the money, the beliefs, the values, the narcissistic philosophy, the entire life-style … all center on insatiable hedonism. There is no appreciation for anything. Only a morbid “feel good” sense of entitlement exists.
People seem to forget that they can never be free. They are slaves to death itself, that is, they are part of a death cult, until the grim day arrives. Substituting the aforementioned pornographic remedies is simply a “fool’s paradise.”
Finally, this is the worst time to be stupid and gullible. The ruling élite prey on such fools. So, be vigilant and remain focused on survival. Trust no one.
Miscellany: The filthy roach is still hanging on in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Apparently, the roach is suffering from chronic diarrhea. Let’s hope that it comes around for another epic “roach versus garbage disposal” match. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!