Monday, December 28


Another Subway® location, with decent prices (i.e., the only location with “Sub of the Day” deals in the entire area), has been identified along the outskirts of Waikiki. A trial run was performed yesterday to procure dinner there and commute to Ala Moana Center. The process was tedious, which really puts the sanity of the sole participant in question. However, the task was successfully accomplished.

To further expedite the process, the Subway on-line ordering was exploited today. A negligible amount of time was saved, but not much. There was some trepidation about on-line transactions, but the prior experience with Visible paved the way forward. From this point forward, all Subway® orders will be facilitated on-line. Dinner from Panda Express® will continue to be ordered in-person.

Why must dining occur at Ala Moana Center even if the food wasn’t purchased there? The vow to spend as much time away from the confines of any mausoleum was made many moons ago. And, the only place that has seating for patrons is at Ala Moana Center. There will be no change.

There have been a few perks with the Medicare Advantage health insurance coverage. The fully subsidized gym membership was discussed. However, a few weeks ago, another perk was discovered by accident. Various activities, such as gym workouts, are counted and applied to a rewards program. As of today, the total of $80 was accrued. The amount was used to purchase a Walmart® gift card.

Every perk, every reward, every discount, every coupon ... all used to cut costs. No money is spent on useless shit. There are no “feel good” purchases. These are tough times, which call for drastic measures. Sitting around, worshiping the widescreen OLED tube like it’s a shrine, eating junk food, playing with the “smartphone” ... these malignant activities only serve to enrich and further empower the “one percent.” Cut those mofos off! If the hand betrays you, cut it off, if the eye betrays you, pull it out!

Miscellany: Visible has proven to be a good value. Last month, over ten times the data allocation of the previous prepaid wireless plan was used. Many of the general complaints about Visible are valid, but there have been few problems experienced at this end.

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