Tuesday, December 29



The so-called “mainstream” media was quick to label him the “Nashville Bomber.” And, the same “fake news” media began to spread rumors that he was “anti-cop,” a “5G conspiracy” nut, and a believer of “shape-shifting reptilians.”

The profile of the “Nashville Bomber”? A 63-year-old unmarried loner. An IT guy, retired. Strife and loss within the immediate family. Sounds eerily familiar, eh? Well, he was a regular guy, one of the “deplorables.”

He probably was planning to “hit the road” in the RV, either as a traveling nomad or a homeless camper. His plans were most likely thwarted by the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. No doubt, he was astute enough to know that the perpetrators were the Fascists who now infest nearly all institutions in empire.

While the song, “Downtown” (performed by Petula Clark), blared from the RV parked in downtown Nashville, a female computerized voice commenced a countdown and issued warnings to evacuate the area. So, there were no fatalities. He’s not a hero, but he is not a terrorist.

Just like the countless, faceless and masked “deplorables,” he was sucked into the vortex of fear, uncertainty, and economic devastation. The entirety of society became a huge penal colony. Hopes and dreams were dashed. Had the “Nashville Bomber” perused Notes, he would have realized that he wasn’t alone.

Addendum: How about the hit version of “Downtown” by Mrs. Miller? Notes Combo Music Break.

Mrs. Miller was actually seen performing that song and more here in Honolulu back in the 60s.

Monday, December 28


Another Subway® location, with decent prices (i.e., the only location with “Sub of the Day” deals in the entire area), has been identified along the outskirts of Waikiki. A trial run was performed yesterday to procure dinner there and commute to Ala Moana Center. The process was tedious, which really puts the sanity of the sole participant in question. However, the task was successfully accomplished.

To further expedite the process, the Subway on-line ordering was exploited today. A negligible amount of time was saved, but not much. There was some trepidation about on-line transactions, but the prior experience with Visible paved the way forward. From this point forward, all Subway® orders will be facilitated on-line. Dinner from Panda Express® will continue to be ordered in-person.

Why must dining occur at Ala Moana Center even if the food wasn’t purchased there? The vow to spend as much time away from the confines of any mausoleum was made many moons ago. And, the only place that has seating for patrons is at Ala Moana Center. There will be no change.

There have been a few perks with the Medicare Advantage health insurance coverage. The fully subsidized gym membership was discussed. However, a few weeks ago, another perk was discovered by accident. Various activities, such as gym workouts, are counted and applied to a rewards program. As of today, the total of $80 was accrued. The amount was used to purchase a Walmart® gift card.

Every perk, every reward, every discount, every coupon ... all used to cut costs. No money is spent on useless shit. There are no “feel good” purchases. These are tough times, which call for drastic measures. Sitting around, worshiping the widescreen OLED tube like it’s a shrine, eating junk food, playing with the “smartphone” ... these malignant activities only serve to enrich and further empower the “one percent.” Cut those mofos off! If the hand betrays you, cut it off, if the eye betrays you, pull it out!

Miscellany: Visible has proven to be a good value. Last month, over ten times the data allocation of the previous prepaid wireless plan was used. Many of the general complaints about Visible are valid, but there have been few problems experienced at this end.

Friday, December 25

Saturnalia 2020

Io Saturnalia!

The Eve of Saturnalia was uneventful. Ala Moana Center was scheduled to close at 6pm. Nevertheless, an attempt was made to procure dinner there. Upon arrival at 5pm, a quick observation noted that the mall was fairly crowded, unlike last year.

Dinner was courtesy Subway® on its last day of business in the mall. Although priced higher than other locations, the ability to sit in the Makai Market food court was the big draw. Subway® sandwiches have comprised the majority of the usual dinner fare. The reason? Vegetables. Well, a new dinner plan must be created very soon. But, what?

Target® was also very crowded upon entry, obviously because it was the only retail store open after 6pm. Saturnalia shopping was at a fever pitch. A pint of generic ice cream was purchased for no particular reason. The ice cream was consumed unceremoniously at the bus stop.

Saturnalia was also uneventful. A quick trip by bus was made to Kahala Mall to drop off a small donation to the Goodwill kiosk (now an annual tradition). A quick look inside the mall revealed the dismal ambiance. Every table and chair has been removed. There’s absolutely nowhere to sit down. The thought of the mall being a dining replacement for Ala Moana Center quickly faded.

Since there was no reason to loiter in the mall, a circuitous bus ride was made back to Waikiki. There were myriad tourists wandering around. Lines were queued at all of the open restaurants, fast food joints, and coffee shops. Why these idiots spent all that money to vacation here is beyond comprehension.

The rest of the day will be spent in the mausoleum. Old man grooming and mausoleum chores will be on the agenda. A can of Great Value® pork and beans will suffice for lunch. Then, a can of Wolf® chili with beans will be partaken for dinner. The latter and former will be served cold with slices of Great Value® wheat bread. Yum! Another nauseating Saturnalia has come and gone.

Miscellany: $2,000 was transferred from investment (term used loosely) accounts to the local bank. Money is rapidly disappearing.

Tuesday, December 22

Wrong is Right

Many, many moons ago, the flick, “Wrong is Right,” starring the legendary Sean Connery was viewed. The flick made a lasting impression, to say the least.

However, there has always been something prescient about that satirical production. And, that is true even today. Wrong is right. Up is down. Long is short. Truth is fiction. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Good is evil. Ignorance is strength.

During the era commencing with the infamous September 11th event, “official” narratives were offered to explain the unexplainable. The one-sided narratives have always been trumpeted in unison by the so-called “mainstream” media. Any other discourse was labeled a “conspiracy theory” as a means to discourage critical thinking and suppress the truth.

In the last four years, questionable events included “Russia-gate,” the “Chinese virus” which mutated into “super-duper corona,” a rigged election that was declared not fraudulent, alleged Russian and Chinese hacking, and now ... “mutant super-duper corona.” All, again, accompanied by “official” narratives from the Fascist “re-education” program.

Now, the fearmongering has ramped up again. “Russia, Russia, Russia!” is back. And, “mutant super-duper corona” (with a whopping 17 simultaneous mutations) is allegedly more contagious and far deadlier than the previous strain. Never mind that viruses usually mutate to become more contagious but less lethal. Its purpose is to survive and reproduce. Killing the host defeats that purpose. That’s evolutionary fact. If the new strain is deadlier, then it has been intentionally seeded. Wrong is right.

Monday, December 21

Close Call

The governor of Hawai’i approved the request of the mayor of Honolulu to exclude the “super-duper corona” cases from the local prison system from the total tally. Thus, the island of O’ahu will most likely not downgrade to “Tier 1” restrictions for now.

With little else to do, the time is now ripe to declare in Notes that, after months of reviewing myriad “super-duper corona” bullshit, the verdict is in ... SARS-CoV-2 is a genetically modified coronavirus that has been deliberately seeded into target populations. The initial clue many moons ago was when both Iran and Italy had revealed that the sequenced viruses were different strains from each other and from the prevalent strain in empire. The alleged new strain in the UK is another clue. In addition, severe pneumonia-like cases were discovered to have existed months before the outbreak in Wuhan and several other nation-states. Finally, the outbreaks in several nation-states occurred near simultaneously, far too quick to implicate travel migration patterns.

Sunday, December 20


The island of O’ahu is still under “Tier 2” restrictions, but that may be changing before the end of the month. The mayor of Honolulu announced that “super-duper corona” cases have exceeded 100 per day and, if sustained, will result in a reversion to “Tier 1” restrictions (read: “lockdown”). Gyms will have to close yet again. That’s right, “lockdown” is coming back!

The mayor, of course, has blamed people who are not wearing face masks full time. Most of the moronic residents fully agree. The real problem is that the local prison population, which accounts for half of the cases, are included in the tally. Incidentally, these Fascist games will continue until the masses are fully “re-educated.”

Also of note, the governor of Hawai’i has reduced the quarantine period to 10 days (per new CDC guidance). Odd, given that “super-duper corona” is allegedly out of control in empire, the CDC has reduced the quarantine period.

Addendum: The “super-duper corona” farce continues ... endless fearmongering, unreliable tests, “lockdowns,” a scary genome-interfering (mRNA) vaccine. And, as discussed previously in Notes, the curious huge decline of influenza cases is now coming to light.

Miscellany: Dinner tonight consisted of two cans of Great Value® pork and beans with a couple slices of Great Value® wheat bread, at a total cost of $1.20 (from Wal-Mart®). With the “lockdown” looming, a reduction in food expense (and total caloric intake) will be necessary. The pork and beans meal will probably be increased to three or four days per week. Wheat bread and peanut butter will continue to comprise the daily lunch fare.

More Miscellany: Visible 5G is actually available in Waikiki. However, the “old folks home” has high-rise condominiums sitting around its perimeter. Thus, the signal is effectively blocked. There is, however, one small area in the mausoleum that can connect to 5G, but that would require literally sitting in the kitchen sink. This also explains why even T-Mobile® coverage was mediocre.

Friday, December 18

Camp Granada

Camp Granada? Really? No, not really. However, most of the nation-states of the “West” have been converted into mass “re-education” camps with the “super-duper corona” plan-demic serving as the “general education” core requirements. During Year Zero, the “curriculum” will become even more rigorous.

Addendum: As predicted in Notes, the anti-pornography campaign has commenced with the introduction of a “bi-partisan” bill, “Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act.” The bill, if passed, will impose severe restrictions on so-called “porn tube” sites like PornHub. That’s all part of the Year Zero “re-education” curricula.

Miscellany: So far, quite a bit of the Visible cellular data allocation has been used during this first month of service. Unfortunately, the data pipe has really slowed down in the last day or two. And, still no 5G (although there is no personal use for 5G).

Thursday, December 17

Excerpt — Year Zero

As discussed in the Notes post, “ Peak Fascism,” the game is over. The Fascists are now “all in,” with no more bullshit pretenses. An excerpt from an interesting piece by CJ Hopkins on the Unz Review site;

From now on, when the GloboCap Intelligence Community and their mouthpieces in the corporate media tell you something happened, that thing will have happened, exactly as they say it happened, regardless of whether it actually happened, and anyone who says it didn’t will be labeled an “extremist,” a “conspiracy theorist,” a “denier,” or some other meaningless epithet. Such un-persons will be dealt with ruthlessly. They will be censored, deplatformed, demonetized, decertified, rendered unemployable, banned from traveling, socially ostracized, hospitalized, imprisoned, or otherwise erased from “normal” society.

You will do what you are told. You will not ask questions. You will believe whatever they tell you to believe. You will believe it, not because it makes any sense, but simply because you have been ordered to believe it. They aren’t trying to trick or deceive anybody. They know their lies don’t make any sense. And they know that you know they don’t make any sense. They want you to know it. That is the point. They want you to know they are lying to you, manipulating you, openly mocking you, and that they can say and do anything they want to you, and you will go along with it, no matter how insane.

If they order you to take a fucking vaccine, you will not ask what is in the vaccine, or start whining about the “potential side effects.” You will shut up and take the fucking vaccine. If they tell you to put a mask on your kid, you will put a fucking mask on your fucking kid. You will not go digging up Danish studies proving the pointlessness of putting masks on kids. If they tell you the Russians rigged the election, then the Russians rigged the fucking election. And, if, four years later, they turn around and tell you that rigging an election is impossible, then rigging an election is fucking impossible. It isn’t an invitation to debate. It is a GloboCap-verified fact-checked fact. You will stand (or kneel) in your designated, color-coded, social-distancing box and repeat this verified fact-checked fact, over and over, like a fucking parrot, or they will discover some new mutant variant of virus and put you back in fucking “lockdown.” They will do this until you get your mind right, or you can live the rest of your life on Zoom, or tweeting content that no one but the Internet censors will ever see into the digital void in your fucking pajamas. The choice is yours … it’s is all up to you!

Peak Fascism ... it’s here!

Addendum: Notes has always drawn conclusions about pertinent issues independently, often being months ahead of other “dissidents” in research and revelations. In any case, the time to restore Notes to its original purpose is near.

Wednesday, December 16


The curious case of PornHub ... there are allegations of over 100 video files of child pornography uploaded unto the site and publicly viewable. Then, MasterCard® and Visa® shut down PornHub’s payment conduit. In desperation, PornHub purged over a million video files. Now, only “verified” providers can upload content for viewing. Strange, isn’t it? If child pornography was the real issue, would not law enforcement agencies be involved? Is this not a criminal offense? Looks more like censorship and a Fascist anti-pornography campaign.

Addendum: Apparently, forty “victims” of the “Girls Do Porn” (GDP) debacle have now launched lawsuits against PornHub for allowing the steamy videos to be uploaded and viewed on its Web site. PornHub, however, was never affiliated with GDP.

Monday, December 14

Coup D’état

The coup d’etat has been accomplished. Now, the Democrat (sic) Party, the crony “establishment,” the “Deep State,” the oligarchy, the globalists, and the military-industrial complex will have carte blanche to do as they please. There’s no telling who is really in charge because the “president-elect” only recites prepared rhetorical fodder from a teleprompter.

In the meantime, the pseudo-liberals and pseudo-progressives will be satiated with token “identity politics” reforms. The massive wealth transfer from the ignorant masses to the “one percent” will continue unabated and accelerate.

Truth, of course, will be the main casualty. There will only be one narrative, approved by the “one percent.” Heck, the only truthful journalists have already been marginalized, demonized, and censored.

The “deplorables” will continue to be marginalized. There will be more loyalty tests and “re-education” exercises similar to the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Soon, everyone will be forced to conform and obey. Welcome to neo-feudalism!

Miscellany: Visible has activated 5G service as of today, but it is apparently not accessible in Waikiki (not even the low band version). No matter anyway, since all downloading activity has been mummified.

Thursday, December 10

Peak Fascism

There really isn’t much interest in (S)election 2020 with the exception that it, along with the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, are indicative of the brazen corruption and rot in the ruling circles of empire. Both are also fully “stage managed” operations tailored to mental midgets. The ruling élite and the “one percent” will continue to “push the envelope” in the charge toward Fascism (as recently evidenced by the blatantly rigged (s)election).

With that said, the governor of Hawai’i has announced that one flavor of the “super-duper corona” vaccine will be arriving next week. Mass inoculations will commence immediately afterward. And, the mayor of Honolulu has announced that “Tier 3” status will most likely not be acquired before Saturnalia. So, no gatherings of more than five people.

Miscellany: The Visible wireless “unlimited” plan has been satisfactory so far. Download speeds and latency were verified to be marginal. However, Net activities (including video streaming) have suffered no noticeable degradation. On-line games are probably most affected. For $25 (taxes and fees included) per month (with Party Pay), it is an exceptional deal.

Wednesday, December 9

Excerpt — Big Bamboozle

One of the nefarious purposes of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic was the enormous wealth transfer from the masses to the “one-percent.” An excerpt from the Americans for Tax Fairness site:

The total net worth of the nation’s 651 billionaires rose from $2.95 trillion on March 18—the rough start of the pandemic shutdowns—to $4.01 trillion on Dec. 7, a leap of 36%, based on Forbes billionaires, according to a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). By around March 18 most federal and state economic restrictions in response to the virus were in place. Combined, just the top 10 billionaires are now worth more than $1 trillion.
Does anyone believe that the “one-percent” were cowering in fear (of death) in tiny mausoleums with their face masks on during the plan-demic?

Monday, December 7


A recent Gallup poll has indicated that the mental health of rank-and-file peons of empire have suffered a double-digit percentage decline because of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Only oligarchs, frequent church attendees, and Democrats were mostly unaffected. That’s right ... Democrats. Democrats love the plan-demic, face masks, commercial disinfectants, and the up-coming vaccines.

Personally speaking, the nine-month “super-duper corona” plan-demic bullshit can be summed up by the image above.


On a side note, observations over the past eight months have noted that people are getting bigger (read: obese). It’s an epidemic far more real than “super-duper corona.”

Friday, December 4

Build Back Buttfuck

“Empty Suit”

The Democrat “president-elect” had previously backtracked on the three-month national mandatory “lockdown.” Now, the “empty suit” will mandate full-time face mask usage for 100 days. That’s over three months.

Don’t be fooled. This is the final test for the rank-and-file peons to identify blind loyalty and isolate any resistance. Footage from the ubiquitous surveillance cameras will be uploaded and compared to a master facial recognition database. Persons easily identified without a face mask will be placed on a “watch list.”

Then, once the faulty vaccines are distributed, there will be identification cards issued to those people who were willingly inoculated. Essentially, the “inoculation passports” will be used to block people from travel, employment, shopping, and pretty much every venue.

Addendum: The “super-duper corona” plan-demic has been successful in reducing the rank-and file peons in to subservient “deplorable. However, it has also been a boon to pension funds and Social Security. Hundreds of thousands of decrepit senior citizens, obese diabetics, and extremely vulnerable people with chronic health issues have been relieved of their misery. Think of the reduced liabilities! Refer to the post, “Eugenics,” in Notes.

Thursday, December 3


The switch to Visible seems to have been painless. The first month of service was reduced to $20 after redeeming an on-line promotion code. A quick search on the Net found at least three forums that listed available slots in Visible Party Pay groups. The first query was a success. Filling the last of four slots brought all members a $15 monthly discount. Thus, the new monthly rate is now $25 with all taxes and fees included (unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, and unlimited no-cap data).

The iPhone 12 is still under review. There were definitely many cost-cutting measures taken even though the device sells for $830 for the base model. The glass panels on the front and rear no longer have curved edges. The panels fit flush in the metal frame, but with no rubber gasket. Dust particles easily lodge in the gap and are difficult to remove. The camera “bump” is made of plastic and is easily marred. The battery is obviously smaller and of lower capacity than previous models. Even with extreme measures to preserve battery life, the device must be charged after 1.5 days maximum.

Tuesday, December 1

More Same Ol’ Shit

The cover of the New Yorker magazine says it all, doesn’t it? That after over eight months of that “rag” proselytizing on behalf of the Fascists and their Draconian “lockdowns.”

A consortium of international experts have torn apart the original flawed Cormon-Drosten study that apparently is the reference for using PCR test kits to diagnose “super-duper corona.” As stated previously in Notes, the test kits are useless and generate too many false positives. Is the “super-duper corona” plan-demic finally unraveling?

As of now, the island of O’ahu is still under the ridiculous “Tier 2” restrictions. Same ol’ shit, so there’s no need to regurgitate the bullshit. Just peruse the cover shot of the New Yorker magazine again. Says it all.

Addendum: There is no intention to participate in the “super-duper corona” vaccination program. The annual flu vaccine was also forsaken. With everything being sprayed and wiped down with commercial disinfectant, there is no need to worry about inoculations.