Sunday, July 5


In a few weeks, the floodgates of tourism will be swung wide open in Hawai’i. The “super-duper corona” infection count is hovering around 25 per day, the same as the actual peak a few months ago. What was once a crisis is now viewed as trivial. What is the meaning of this hypocrisy?

There are, obviously, political and Fascist economical implications. However, the stark conclusion is that “super-duper corona” will continue to spread as long as there are enclaves of people with no immunity to it. Completely cutting off all travel would temporarily mitigate the spread. However, in the end, “super-duper corona” must run its course.

As stated in Notes previously, even a vaccine will not prevent infection. Thus, everyone is a likely candidate. The truth of the matter must be restated ... some people will become ill, some will recover, some will die. That is the corollary of Nature. Humans have strived endlessly to control Nature, but the latter always seems to possess the “upper hand.”

The “lockdown,” the face masks, and “social distancing” are feeble (and politically motivated) attempts to stall the inevitable. To further compound the problem, human solutions are relegated to financial transactions. Money is useless against Nature. Hence, the only real truth is that the chimpo sapiens stubbornly continue to embrace what the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, defined as the denial of death.

The “globalists” (i.e., the moneychangers and powers-that-be) know exactly what is transpiring, and they continue to use a manufactured crisis to further their interests and to control and euthanize the masses. Yet, the masses are again in denial. They just cannot believe that the “one percent” can harbor sociopathic and psychopathic beliefs. When immense amounts of wealth and power are accrued, the fear and denial of death reaches cartoonish proportions. And, again, as the Great Prophet has written, genocide becomes a form of redemption, a warped tool in the ridiculous quest for legacy and immortality.

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