Friday, November 29

Ol ‘ Lavahead Day 2019

Ol’ Lavahead Day was not a time of celebration this year. Rather, a time for deep reflection and introspection will be the highlight. Ties with friends were unintentionally severed by distance and time. In the interim, acquaintances have come and gone. Frankly, aren’t all friendships really just acquaintances anyway? The severing of ties with family came abruptly and out of the locus of control within the last two months. The outcome was inevitable anyway. Too much stock was placed in familial expectations, only to end in disappointment. That is, of course, the tragic nature of chimpo sapiens ... the curse of consciousness, the denial of death.

On the grand scale, there is the looming secular Apocalypse, now focused on global climate change. There is a minuscule probability of a thermonuclear conflagration. Social unrest caused by global fraudulent wealth inequality could result in violent uprisings internationally. Climate change, though, remains the predominant threat to all life forms as nothing is being done to mitigate the problem. Climate scientists continue to peddle a 100-year conservative prediction before chaos ensues. Yet, each year, the prognosis worsens and the time frame shortens. Ten years forward is when extreme global food and water shortages will wreak havoc. And, that’s just the beginning (refer to the previous post, “The ‘Green’ Farce”).

On a smaller scale, the “West,” led by empire, is already in a state of collapse. All of the central banks are moving toward ZIRP or already in negative territory. QE has returned “with a vengeance” to pump more liquidity into the global economy. Everything is being done to maintain growth through more and more debt. Of course, global growth and global climate change go “hand-in-hand.”

On an even smaller scale, Slippery Sy at the “old folks home” has once again decided to exert his puny powers by refusing to settle the alleged delinquent rent issue. Thus, the “big question” was submitted to the on-line Easy Decision Maker site. The scenario was not staged. That’s a first trial result shown above.

Convergence 2019 is about all that and more. At 65 years of age, the awareness of the inevitable onslaught of decrepitude becomes manifest. Age 65 is the “gateway to death,” and every aspect of the institution of retirement is designed around the latter theme. The ultimate goal has been to increase the distance between fiction and truth. There must be a more honorable form of death than the consumer version.

The capstone of Ol’ Lavahead Day was a casual meet-up with Lori at Ala Moana Center. Dinner was courtesy Lahaina Chicken Company, although the last time the establishment will be patronized. Food was good, but “shrinkflation” reduced the portions. Of course, nothing is comparable to loitering at the Makai Market food court for ambiance, eh?

Addendum: The $35 one-year senior citizen bus pass was procured as the final step of the initiation into and indoctrination of the fully geriatric life-style.

Update: A chance encounter with a Sand Island homeless shelter alumnus led to the discovery that another alumnus, Randy (Filipino guy), has passed on. He had previously disclosed that his kidneys were only about 25% functional during the tenure at the homeless shelter.

Wednesday, November 20

The “Green” Farce

As often discussed in Notes, the greatest threat facing all life forms on the planet is global climate change as perpetrated entirely by the chimpo sapiens species. The root cause is overpopulation. Then, there is the failed “civilization” paradigm which requires infinite economic growth to remain viable. By implication, everyone must increase their personal ecological “footprint” through increased activity and consumption.

Any attempt to mitigate the effects of global climate change by reducing “greenhouse” gases (to stabilize global temperatures) is doomed to failure. Draconian measures would have to be invoked. Human activities would have to be significantly curtailed. Ecological “footprints” would have to be curbed. Drastic life-style changes would be required. That’s not going to happen.

Any attempt to modify the “system” would cause massive social upheaval amongst the most vulnerable (i.e., “deplorables”). Anarchy would be a more appropriate description. Many of the “green” policies that are being floated will cause a significant increase in global aggregate unemployment. Economic inequality, already a threat to stability, would then surpass the ability to maintain any order or a “civil society.” The oligarchy will not be exempt, but who really cares about them? Nonetheless, the ramifications are unfathomable.

The earth is already past the “tipping point” insofar as its physical and natural systems are concerned. However, the artificial “system” created by humans has also passed the “point of no return.” Humanity will barrel toward self-destruction in a semi-orderly manner without impediment. It has no other choice but to choose denial ... “face the music” now, or put off the inevitable until later.

The effects of global climate change will most likely begin manifesting itself in more violent ways within the next five years, far earlier than all of the conservative predictions. The possibility exists for crude “half-ass” measures being taken then, but that, in itself, may provoke social upheaval. In other words, there’s almost no way to plan for the future. Will money be worth anything then?

Addendum: An important article titled, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” in the journal BioScience is recommended reading.

Friday, November 15

Scam Resurrection

The same bogus delinquent rent and eviction notice has commenced delivery by the fucktard twins (Randi and Sy) again, this time by sealed envelope posted on the door of the mausoleum in the “old folks home.” The notice is the same exact crap as detailed in the post titled, “Exposing the Crime.” The billing statement is exactly the same with the same balance due.

The last notice (and all previous ones) were sent by regular mail. Oddly, there was no signature or initials this time. The last notice dated in July was initialed. Prior to that, a signature appeared in the notices. The originator of the notice is still Randi, the sleazy ho’ resident manager.

The same e-mail response with check copies, images of the notice, and timeline will be dispatched this evening. The original notice and billing statement was mailed this morning to the main office of Locations along with a brief summary and a request for contact with a supervisor.

The notices had ceased after July when slippery Sy had invoked the feeble exit strategy of citing an accounting error as the cause. Three months elapsed and a new lease term commenced before the latest notice appeared. What can be more obvious that this is a scam?

The current plan is to let Randi, the dolt, continue to send the threatening notices. The same e-mail response with all the old and new attachments will be dispatched. The notice itself will continue to be mailed to the main office with the same bullshit. The lease is month-to-month now, so there is time to locate other housing options or move to the streets. Yeah, Convergence 2019 is in “full swing.”

Addendum: Even the most senile senior citizen would not be duped into handing money over to the fucktard twins upon a casual perusal of the bogus billing statement. The motive, then, is most likely harassment to provoke voluntary termination of the lease.

Update: Slippery Sy has responded that he will query the accounting department for the source of the problem. Can the ruse be more obvious?

Wednesday, November 13

Converging on Incongruence

Convergence 2019 is rapidly spawning incongruence. The dichotomy grows by the day. There is now very little to distinguish what is reality and what is not. And, more factors, both internal and external, continue to exacerbate the problem.

The odd Medicare subsidy from the State of Hawai’i is the latest episode. The subsidy appears be what is deemed Medicare Savings Plans (MSP), the eligibility of which is similar to Medicaid. In fact, MSP fall under Medicaid. However, an investigation yielded that the Medicaid/Quest account has been closed since the termination based on ineligibility. Thus, MSP disqualification should have been inevitable. That apparently is not the case.

There is no Hawai’i Kai visit scheduled anytime in the near future. The last visit with moms is constantly being mentally replayed. Each iteration supports the thesis that moms would probably not benefit by further visits, if moms is even cognizant of the latter. The goal of sibling estrangement is also a factor. At this point in time, there appears to be no further need to maintain any ties with family. A hard decision, but what other option is there?

There was some consideration about initiating a “microblog” using photos, but that’s a lost cause. The previous attempt failed miserably. The current iteration, Notes, is probably the wisest option, although future posts, once the “dust settles,” should be less frequent.

Aside from that, there is no “unfinished business” to handle. Only a few “loose ends” remain. Of course, there just doesn’t seem be any sense of emancipation or freedom. What gives?

Addendum: The Apple® News aggregator “app” on the iPhone XR was finally mummified after continued disappointing issues with alternative sources. The Weather ”app” was also mummified after consistently providing incorrect data.

Saturday, November 9

Silver Snickers®

The transition to Silver Snickers® ... errr, Silver Sneakers® ... was easily accomplished. The old gym membership has been “frozen” and a new membership was set up. The month of November has already been paid for under the old membership, but no refund will be forthcoming. From December 1st onward, there will no monthly fee. The new membership plan is also an upgrade from the old one (i.e., ability to access all club locations).

Incidentally, Silver Sneakers® is a fitness program for geriatrics which include a gym membership and classes. The exclusive fitness class for senior citizens uses chairs as part of the workout. That’s something to really look forward to, eh?

Update: A letter received from Social Security has indicated that the $136 Medicare monthly premium will be paid by the State of Hawai’i. A refund for the November premium is forthcoming. What?

Monday, November 4

Windbreaker 2.0

A new RVCA® windbreaker was purchased for $63 (on sale at 30% off MSRP) at the gym. Yeah, a ridiculous price. The justification? The generic windbreaker that was purchased last year from Ross® offered no protection from rain. Water soaked right through the fabric. Well, that’s not the entire story. Turns out that washing a windbreaker repeatedly will eventually remove the water repellent coating, thus rendering it useless.

So, what happened to the austerity measures? Oh, a very slow implementation at best:
  • The switch to Medicare was unnoticeable aside from the $136 monthly deductions from the meager retirement income.
  • The Humana® Medicare Advantage plan has been problematic. Even with the on-line account restored, it has not been set up yet. So, no plan benefits have been exploited.
  • The switch to a more cost effective cellular wireless plan was postponed again.
  • The cheap $9 electric razor that was purchased from Ross® two years ago will continue service until failure. Ditto with the decrepit 15-year-old Oakley® shades.
To claim that the official retirement experience has been a joke would be an understatement. The only rationale that can be offered at this time is that the entire process is a “transition.” Yeah, a “transition” to what?

On a side note, the e-book, “Pleased to Meet Me,” by Bill Sullivan was read to completion. And, the book, “Civilized to Death,” by Christopher Ryan was read at the bookstore in Ala Moana Center. The latter book may be of interest because the topic, the failed “civilization” paradigm, is a recurring theme in the old “blog.” Both books are highly recommended for seekers of truth.

Update: The problems with the Humana® on-line account was solved by creating a new account, that after another long phone call to a service representative. A Silver Sneakers® card was also requested in order to qualify for a subsidized gym membership. Dental and optical benefits are also being investigated.