Wednesday, April 3

Falling Down

Moms apparently experienced another fall last week when she missed the chair that she attempted to sit on. On Monday, moms had great difficulty walking during the usual Hawai’i Kai visit. The sister-in-law acquired a standard walker for moms. Moms has been reluctant to use it and has been heavily reliant on her cane.

Moms’ mentioned that her good friend, Molly, recently passed on from sustained head injuries after falling backwards. Molly was a few years younger than moms and used neither a cane or a walker. The news came as quite a shock.

Falls can be crippling or fatal for senior citizens. In moms’ case, the falling episodes happen every few months. From all indications, the likelihood of moms sustaining permanent injuries or fatality from falling down is now highly probable. Thus, of increasing concern is that moms’ longevity may be cut short by such an event.