Saturday, December 28

VPN 2024

Back in August of this year, the IKEv2 configuration of ProtonVPN abruptly and mysteriously became non-functional on the iPhone 15 Pro. So, it was mummified. The use of the ProtonVPN “app” was not a consideration at the time.

Recently, all available free wireless networks (read: hotspots) have been behaving strangely. Many Web sites, not just Sputnik News and RT, were loading slowly or not at all. Opening the sites in a new browser tab did or did not alleviate the problem. The issue is likely originating at the DNS service of the hosting ISPs. Why?

Whether the problem is nefarious or not, the only mitigation is the use of a VPN. The free version of ProtonVPN is the best option for casual users. So, the ProtonVPN profile (configuration) was generated for the trial installation of OpenVPN and Wireguard “apps.” The ProtonVPN “app” was also downloaded and installed on the iPhone. Long story short, the best case scenario is the ProtonVPN “app.” Thus, the other two “apps” were mummified.

While researching information about the various types of VPN protocols (i.e., OpenVPN, Wireguard, Stealth), the discovery was made that ProtonVPN ended support for the IKEv2 protocol. So, that explains why the VPN stopped functioning.

Most of the advanced features in the ProtonVPN “app” are disabled for the free account. However, for casual users, the latter features are overkill. People who are using P2P, downloading torrents, or bypassing border restrictions on streaming media are the best customers for the paid plans. Since none of those activities are of personal interest, the free account is the best option.

Obviously, sheer boredom has “reared its ugly head.” What else could explain the latest fixation with VPNs? Of course, the “inner miser” is always still lurking. That’s why the use of free wireless networks is a big priority. Never mind that only a fraction of the monthly prioritized Visible cellular data is exploited (deprioritized cellular data is always unlimited). Sheesh!

Wednesday, December 25

Saturnalia 2024

Io Saturnalia!

Yesterday was fairly uneventful. The weather was quite nice. The gym closed at 2pm, so an extremely early dinner was procured at Panda Express® on King Street. Thank Molech, the business hours were not shortened.

Upon return to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, another chance encounter with Ignacio occurred on the street fronting the “old folks home.” He was on his way to an afternoon service at an unnamed church. He briefly mentioned his latest travails with the new management. Of course, the response from the management was extreme obstinance.

Later, a brief outing to the International Marketplace was in order. A few more choice hurdy-gurdy videos were downloaded using the fast wireless network. Then, a pint of Häagen-Dazs® ice cream was procured at Target®. A lot of ice cream has been consumed as of late. Later, all the technology toys were deployed. A brief one-man House Party added to the ambiance. Well, so much for the Eve of Saturnalia festivities.

Io Saturnalia! Praise Molech! The annual Saturnalia trek to Kahala Mall commenced at 8:45am this morning. Upon arrival at Kahala Mall, a pair of shorts and the Apple® silicone case (for iPhone 15 Pro) were donated at the Goodwill kiosk, an annual ritual. Breakfast (oatmeal and coffee) was courtesy the fast food joint. The cost for the exact same breakfast was over $1 less than the fast food joint in town.

Loitering in the mall itself is always part of the agenda. The mall is exactly the same as last year with no changes in shops. The peace and quiet was thoroughly enjoyable. Not having to encounter dickheads and asswipes in a public environment is a cherished blessing.

Lunch, a couple of greasy hamburgers, was procured at the fast food joint. By then, myriad dickheads and asswipes were festering in the establishment. So much so, that the meal was transported back to the mall and consumed in silence. Subsequently, a feeling of indigestion brought on “buyer’s remorse.”

Arrival back in Waikiki was around 1:30pm. Immediately, dickheads and asswipes made themselves conspicuously manifest, just like swarm of detestable roaches. The “garden variety” Fascists can’t exterminate them quick enough. Sheesh!

The rest of the afternoon in the mausoleum was consumed by houseboy chores. Specifically, the linoleum floor was thoroughly cleaned (wet and dry) with the Swiffer® tool. Other major cleaning tasks were deferred until the mood is accommodating.

A shower was undertaken in the mausoleum, the only shower in the latter for a year. Then, the annual shower stall cleaning ensued. Incidentally, since cooking in the mausoleum kitchen is non-existent, none of appliances need to be cleaned. Oh, the retirement life!

A salad was procured for dinner from the ABC Store. So far, these “big ticket” products have been fortunately purchased at a discount (freshness expiry). No afternoon outing to International Marketplace occurred since Target was closed. There were no choice hurdy-gurdy videos to download either. So, another Saturnalia holiday has come and gone.

Sunday, December 22

Ol’ Lavahead Show 2024

Don’t miss the reruns!

Welcome back to the Ol’ Lavahead Show! Alas, there’s nothing new to discuss. In other words, the year is ending on the same note … same ol’ shit, that is. Maybe the time has come to “cancel” the Ol’ Lavahead Show, eh?

The central bank of empire quietly reduced short-term interest rates again. ZIRP is estimated to be here by Summer of next year. With that said, there is some level of “buyer’s remorse” insofar as the acquisition of the iPad Pro M4 and the Beats® Pill. Well, the AirPods Pro 2 as well. A lot of oatmeal breakfasts could have been purchased with that money instead. The devices are being used sporadically just to justify their existence. Heck, this Notes post is being composed on the iPad (for the first time). And, sadly, with the very limited approved Web sites and “apps,” the iPhone could be used exclusively. None of the other devices are needed.

The situation at the “old folks home” in Waikiki remains grim. The parking lot has emptied out, what with all of the disgruntled residents moving out. Ignacio has only been seen once in over a month. He has been experiencing more health issues. Thus, he hasn’t stepped out of his mausoleum much. Part of the problem is that Ignacio has taken the “old folks home” too seriously. He is overly concerned, and that’s affecting his health. He should know by now that the more he complains to the so-called “management,” the more obstinate they become.

Otherwise, the routine remains the same. Same ol’ shit. The late afternoon outings to the International Marketplace have been brief. The days of loitering there for an hour or so are long gone. The only purpose for the outings is to procure food products at Target®. So, much more time is being spent in the mausoleum. After the Winter Solstice, the sun will be setting later. The outings will commence later and the duration may increase. Ho-hum.

Saturday, December 14

Mundtadar al-Zaidi Day 2024

A Memorable Moment in Time

On this day in the 2008 year, the heroic journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, threw his shoes at Bush Jr. (aka “Shrub”) to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq. Praise Molech!

The local weather has been quite mild for Winter. The ambient temperature is a little cooler than a month ago. Last year, there were multiple cold fronts and a lot of rain. So, there’s something to be grateful for.

The fast food joint in town is not closing down after all. However, the prices have gone up yet again. A typical meager breakfast with coffee runs about $10 or so. The survey coupon is used to purchase two Egg McMuffins for the price of one. No discounts for the oatmeal however.

Quite a few of the senior citizen tenants are moving out of the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The dissatisfaction with the new management is ubiquitous. Well, as with everything else in empire, “(all) things fall apart.” Society is gradually crumbling into a collective of duffers. What more can be said?

On a side note, the iPad Pro M4 is being deployed on a casual basis using the personal hotspot on the iPhone 15 Pro. The big screen is much easier on the eyes. The hideous wallpaper was replaced with the one that comes with the MacBook Pro models.

The iOS/iPadOS 18.2 update has screwed up the Safari browser download utility. Large files (e.g., hurdy-gurdy videos) fail to download. So, the DuckDuckGo browser was installed to handle downloading. What happened? Well, so many resources have been reallocated to Apple® Intelligence, and subsequently “things fall apart.”

The massive hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) was actually a foolish adventure. There are now about 460 selections, even after the latest purge of 70 videos. What purpose does the HGVL serve? It is all stored on the LaCie® SSD and never reviewed. Well, the HGVL has more value than AI, which isn’t saying much. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Friday, December 13

Fuck It Friday - 29

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The peonage is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

At 70 years of age, reality comes into sharp focus. Well, many of the other factors so-called “boomers” are either senile or locked into an alternate reality. A few have realized the farcical peonage that has encompassed most of their lifespan. Hence, the descriptor, “rank-and-file peons.” Of course, there is no more time to rectify the situation. Fuck it!

Minute-to-minute encounters with rank-and-file peons are mind-boggling. The fools are narcissistic, self-absorbed, assholic, arrogant, discourteous, and clearly mental midgets. Little wonder why the “garden variety” Fascists are crafting mass annihilation to put the fucktards out of their misery. No sympathy here for the masses. They need to go! Fuck it!

Without “big money,” there’s no way to flee the peonage. Thus, rotting away with other peons cannot be avoided. Of course, nothing is more self-evident about the peonage than the “old folks home” in Waikiki, wherein stupidity and suffering prevail. Fuck it!

Lots of speculation and bullshit has been festering in the mainstream “fake news” media about recent events in Syria. Strangely, very little information has been forthcoming from Iranian and Russian news media. What transpired makes little sense, so no commentary will be made at this point in time. Fuck it!

All of the Apple® devices (including the Beats® Pill) were updated this week. The iPhone 15 Pro and iPad Pro M4 received the “second helping” of the AI bullshit. Frankly, Apple® Intelligence (sic) is literally turning the devices into cheesy toys (e.g., Image Playground and Genmoji). Disillusionment with the complete focus on shoddy AI has preempted the procurement of the iPhone 16 Pro. And, no, the AI bullshit remains disabled. Fuck it!

Well, this is Friday the 13th, usually an iteration of Sinister Kahuna Day. First and foremost, though, this is Fuck It Friday (FIF). So, fuck it!

Addendum: Days have elapsed, but there has been little follow-up news coverage about Apple® Intelligence. Usually, the technology “blogs” are awash with accolades about new features. The silence is deafening.

Friday, December 6

Notes Music Break

Hypnotic Progressions — Pipe Creek Sandbar Mix

Thursday, December 5

3 Manik’ 10 Mak

The “Western” puppets of the “garden variety” Fascists are creating worldwide chaos. The events in Syria, Romania, and Georgia are the handiwork of the latter marionettes. To state that the whole situation is tiring would be an understatement.

The Ross® store (and the Korean market next door) in the Executive Center in town are closing permanently next month. Rumor has it that fast food joint will also be closing for good. Downtown will be a ghost town. Unfortunately, no contingencies have been designated for morning coffee and breakfast if the fast food joint indeed closes.

One of the MIAs at the gym in town has returned. Pat has been absent for several weeks, two of which were spent in the hospital. For some unknown reason, his immune system went into overdrive and nearly killed him. He has always remained current with inoculations, so the mRNA bioweapon is a possible suspect.

Another gym member, Bob, has gone MIA. He’s the same Bob who almost killed himself by overdosing on coffee as previously chronicled in Notes. No telling what has transpired.

A chance (read: surprise) encounter with Joel occurred this morning at the fast food joint. He’s the same Joel who moved to Cambodia at the beginning of the year. He returned on a visit here to attend to a few medical procedures. He appeared to be healthy, and he is quite content with life in Cambodia.

There has been no attempt to visit the Apple® Store in Ala Moana Center to trade the iPhone 15 Pro for the new model. The AI bullshit and the recent annoying experiences at that store (as documented in Notes) are the reasons. However, the iPad Pro M4, Watch Series 9, and iPhone 15 Pro have been prepared for the major OS updates on Monday. The iPad Pro will finally be deployed on a regular basis. Naturally, the AI bullshit will not be enabled.

Otherwise, the routine remains the same. Same ol’ shit, that is. So far, no new health maladies have appeared. The follow-up appointment at the Ohua Clinic is still pending. The blood pressure monitor has yet to be unboxed. And, brief evening outings to the International Marketplace occur daily, primarily to visit Target® to procure an apple for lunch the next day. Greek yogurt has also been on the procurement list as it suffices as a healthier evening snack as opposed to ice cream.