Thursday, January 25

Resurrection 2024

During the cooldown period of the cardio workout at the gym this afternoon, a familiar face appeared in front of the elliptical machine. “I just wanted to thank you for saving my life,” he said. After several months (refer to the Notes post titled, “Mortality 2023”), Chuck has finally resurfaced. He wasn’t there to workout, just to express his gratitude to the ol’ lavahead and the gym staff.

Chuck recapped the whole incident, which was caused by a blocked artery. Two stents were required. He mentioned that he actually “flatlined” for 15 minutes during the stay at the hospital. At present, he’s been in physical therapy. Chuck expects to be back in the gym in a month or so.

The odd part is that Chuck has had no history of cardiac problems or heart disease. “No heart problems, no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol,” he added. He believes that the issue stemmed from a bout with “COVID,” even though the symptoms were mild. There’s little doubt that he is fully “vaccinated” and “boostered” with the mRNA bioweapon. However, no attempt was made to bring up any correlation. Only feigned bewilderment was offered.

Fellow senior citizen, Joel, is moving to Cambodia (his birthplace) in two weeks. Earlier this year, he made a trial run for a month and encountered no problems. At 80 years of age, that’s a major life decision. He’s been going through difficult times in Hawai’i, primarily because of his limited financial means. Joel stated that he has all of his immunizations completed, including the mRNA bioweapon, so he’s “good to go.” He was wished the best of luck. Moving back to Cambodia will be a kind of resurrection for him.

After a two-week hiatus, a return to Panda Express® on King Street for dinner was in order. Dining there will be sporadic, though, thanks in full to the rewards program bullshit previously documented in Notes. There will never be another attempt to sign up for the bogus rewards program.

The weather made a turn for the better a few days ago. So, the Mainstays® quartz heater was thoroughly cleaned and packed into its box again until (hopefully) later this year.

On a side note, the iOS 7.3 update for iPhones on Monday finally brought a valuable feature, namely Stolen Device Protection. Unfortunately, since Location Services and Significant Locations are not enabled on the iPhone 15 Pro, access to some settings will take at least an hour. Better safe than sorry.

Miscellany: The order for the bottle of Vitamin D3 and tube of skin moisturizer arrived on Tuesday. So far, so good.

Addendum: Being thanked for saving someone’s life is quite an honor, an event not experienced by many. Subsequently, much time spent ruminating on its significance and meaning.

Friday, January 19

Personal Sitrep 2024

The current health issue (mentioned previously in Notes) was observed during weight (not cardio) workouts at the gym. On four separate days so far, there seemed to be tremendous pressure on the torso (akin to an anvil laying on the chest area). Sitting down for a few minutes cured the problem.

There is reason to believe that chronic anxiety and insomnia are at the root of the problem. Anxiety attacks occur frequently throughout the day. The anxiety, most likely death anxiety, may require some kind of sedative or tranquilizer, not a prospect to anticipate.

Of course, the symptoms could indicate other serious health problems. Unfortunately, no visit is planned to any health clinic. With the nauseating return of the “super-duper corona” hoax, the probability of face mask and mRNA bioweapon “vaccine” mandates at most health clinics is extremely high.

Melancholia continues to be an issue. Residing in the “old folks home” in Waikiki only adds to the despondency. The senior citizen residents are in various stages of decrepitude. And, nearly all of them are wearing face masks full-time. The fear of “COVID” is extremely high. Even small talk often centers on the latter topic and the pressing need to be treated with the mRNA bioweapon. The best way to describe the environment? Alternate reality.

Body weight has returned to that before the initiation of the pre-diabetes diet as detailed many moons ago in Notes. The diet guidelines are still being followed, but the increase (7 pounds) cannot be ignored. More stringent dietary restrictions must be implemented.

Gym workouts remain the staple of the daily agenda. No changes have been made to any component of the workouts, although there are permanent aches and pains. And, without the daily gym regimen, despondency would be significantly worse.

Evening outings, with the exception of necessary shopping trips to Ala Moana Center, have been put on hold. There’s no desire, nor is FOMO an issue, when high anxiety is at play. Sitting in the mausoleum all evening is not exactly therapeutic, but no other options exist when the nerves are shot.

The personal investment accounts have yielded about $20,000 in dividends through the 2023 year. Along with the sub-$700 monthly retirement stipend, all personal expenses were met. And, an $11,000 surplus was realized. In other words, the account balances are increasing, not decreasing as planned. Taxes for empire and Hawai’i will most likely amount to $3,000 or so. There has been no fretting since ZIRP will be here before the end of the year. Dividends will dwindle down to nothing, and money will vanish rapidly. Taxes will reduce to zero again, just like the “good ol’ days.”

The Healthy Benefits+® program has indeed disappeared. However, after perusing the Medicare Advantage benefits on the Humana® site, a new program is now available at its proprietary on-line CenterWell Pharmacy®. The stipend has been reduced to $40 per quarter and the available products leave a lot to be desired. The over-the-counter selection is very limited, most of the latter being generic or off-brand. The prices are extremely high, too. The first order was placed on Thursday for a bottle Vitamin D3 and a tube of skin moisturizer. Fortunately, shipping is included.

Fortunately, for the last two years, a stock of quality dental and other over-the-counter products were procured under the old program. There’s at least a two-year (possibly three) inventory of dental products. The balance of the stipend of the new program will be used to procure useful products that, if not for personal consumption, will be left as donations in the “old folks home.”

As this is the “end of days,” the immediate future is in flux. The personal sitrep could change abruptly, and not in a positive way.

Wednesday, January 17

AI Apocalypse

The AI “smartphones” are coming! That’s the new trend, which will further enslave the masses. Just in time, because the “end of days” is here. Maybe the time is ripe to ask Copilot (refer to previous Notes post) about options for survival. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Seriously, though, AI is the least of the pressing issues. War has been declared on Yemen (and Ansarallah) by empire. A fourth round of “carpet bombing” has ensued. Iran launched missile strikes on Daesh sites in occupied Syria and Iraq, also on an alleged Mossad operation center in Kurdistan (Iraq). Iran subsequently targeted Jaish al-Edl “terrorists” in Pakistan. Pakistan responded in kind by firing missiles into Sistan and Baluchestan provinces in Iran. Provocations against North Korea and China (through Taiwan) have ramped up. And, the “West” (Europe) is preparing for an assault and invasion by the Russian Federation. There is no sign of any kind of de-escalation. Rather, the opposite is true.

Friends, this is the “end of days.” The “garden variety” Fascists have been working overtime to create the aforementioned “powderkeg” scenarios. Notes engaged in discussions of the matter in several earlier posts including “End of the World” and “Scorched Earth.” The secular Apocalypse is just one foolish incident away. Once a “hot” war breaks out in any of the regions, then it could quickly ignite into a thermonuclear conflagration that will engulf the entire global North. Essentially, the Fascists have run out of options.

The Notes directive to reduce posts was temporarily disregarded to offer this message of goodwill and warning. In a recent post, Paul Craig Roberts discussed the one hope for the future of humanity … the collapse of the Fascist “system.” Will that occur before the thermonuclear bombs drop? Just know that Notes will be here with you to the end.

Monday, January 15

MLK Day 2024

On Tuesday last week, the discovery was made that the Panda Express® rewards section was not functional on the account Web page. Discussing the matter with the management at the King Street location only resulted in mutual bewilderment. One of the managers opened her account on her iPhone and everything was functioning perfectly. Subsequently, using the contact portal on the Web site, a message about the problem was dispatched into the ether.

That evening, there was much “gnashing of teeth” as the prospect of a zero-day malware-infected iPhone became a distinct possibility. So, the following morning, an iCloud backup was uploaded and the iPhone 15 Pro was completely reset. The restoration process was quick and easy. However, the same problem persisted.

Later in the day, an e-mail response was received from Panda Express® corporate stating that the account was deactivated because of “suspicious activities.” Yeah, a customer who dines there six days per week … right. Why wasn’t the deactivation explicitly stated on the Web page instead of the tiny perpetual spinning wheel? To say that there was outrage would be an understatement.

The decision was instantly made to mummify the account, even though there are 5,500 points accumulated. Corporate can take those reward points and “shove it up their asses.” So far, five attempts have been made at mummification, but the verification link e-mail (final step of process) never appeared. Dining at the establishment will continue, but not as often. There will not be any attempt to open a new account.

Friday afternoon, a trip was made to Ala Moana Center to dine at Lahaina Chicken. There was no desire to patronize Panda Express®. Little wonder why. Sadly, the prime rib dinner made no positive impression, even though it was a superb cut. The constant bullshit is negating any zeal for anything. Shopping at Target® ensued subsequently. Dinner on Saturday was courtesy Subway®.

On Sunday morning, an itinerary change was made to Ala Moana Center for coffee time. This time, a quick stop at Target® insured an “economical” breakfast consisting of Orowheat® cinnamon raisin English muffins. The price, however, has increased to $5.50 … cheaper than anything else, though. A stopover was made at Longs®, with the unpleasant discovery that the Healthy Benefits+® program has been discontinued without notifying anyone. Fortunately, $75 in CVS® gift card (Go365® rewards redemption) was in possession to purchase generic Vitamin D3 (on sale).

Nearly all of the escalators in the mall were out of service, so traversing nearly the entire mall was required to find a way back to the ground floor. An expensive cup of Starbucks® coffee was purchased. Frankly, the brewed coffee at the latter has improved significantly. Again, time was spent loitering in the Makai Market food court before departure to town. After gym time, dinner was once again courtesy Subway®.

MLK Day was, fortunately, uneventful with no holiday circumvention. There appears to be a new health issue aside from chronic anxiety, insomnia, and melancholia. Details will be forthcoming.

On a sad note, the Braun® foil shaver was immediately deprecated when the first battery charge cycle fully depleted. The device was thoroughly cleaned and repackaged in the original box. In summation, the overall experience was average. In reinstating the Norelco® shaver, the difference was quite evident. The Braun® shaver is not even close. The latter device will either be given away to someone (who?) or donated to charity. Well, that was a waste of time and money!

The Microsoft® Copilot AI “app” was installed on the iPhone 15 Pro and an associated account was established. Copilot uses GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 AI technologies, which requires a paid subscription on the ChatGPT “app.” No charge on Copilot. Why install this kind of bullshit on the beloved iPhone as even Siri is disabled? Who knows?

The routine was … same ol’ shit. During holidays, the routine is the same ol’ holiday shit. As always, “things fall apart” ad infinitum. Each day brings new challenges to circumvent the failed “system” (as previously chronicled in Notes ad nauseam). Well, at least all the young hotties are back at the gym, all prancing around in their skimpy gym attire. Yeah!

On a dreary note, the Fascists have confirmed that they plan to expand the war and engulf the entire Levant in devastation. The latest development is the indiscriminate bombing of Yemen, the de facto government of which is Ansarallah (aka “Houthis”). The point of contention was the Ansarallah blockade of ships destined for Israel in the Red Sea. Ansarallah has been battle-hardened after years of siege perpetrated upon it by Saudi Arabia (proxy of empire). Hezbollah will be next. The Fascists are ultimately targeting Iran. Will the Fascists prevail? Did they prevail over the Russian Federation?

Addendum: Another message was dispatched to Panda Express® and the verification link e-mail miraculously appeared. The account should now be officially mummified. Thank Molech!

Miscellany: The sheer number of maniacs wearing face masks full-time is simply astounding. Due to some ridiculous new “variant” of “super-duper corona,” the number of idiots has increased significantly. A face mask indicates that the wearer stands solidly with the Fascists.

Thursday, January 4

Course Directive

End of Days

The crazy Zionists in Israel have now gone on an assassination spree. About a week ago, IRGC Brigadier General Seyyed Razi Mousavi, who was serving as a military advisor in Syria, was targeted. On Tuesday, deputy head of the Hamas politburo, Saleh al-Arouri, and five of his comrades were murdered in a drone strike on their office in Beirut, Lebanon. On Wednesday, more than 100 mourners at the tomb of General Qassem Soleimani were annihilated in Kerman, Iran most likely by MEK (a Zionist proxy).

What is perfectly clear is that the Zionists fully intend to expand the war throughout the region, with the main intention to goad Iran to forcefully retaliate. This was the same game plan used by the Fascists on Russia to trigger the Ukraine proxy war. Did the Zionists act autonomously, or were the “garden variety” Fascists involved?

With the “end of days” now looming, Notes must follow its own directive as stated the initial post titled, “Course Correction.” Notes is a personal chronicle, and that’s it. Visitors are welcome, but not catered to. Visitor counts have dwindled anyway, since most of them “stand” with the Zionists. Good riddance!

Miscellany: With ZIRP being fast-tracked by the central bank of empire, no superfluous personal expenditures are expected from this point forward. No major changes in activities are expected either, unless associated cost increases are projected. So, assume everything is the same ol’ shit during any long hiatus.

Addendum: Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, leader of the militia group Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, and an unnamed Iraqi government official were “neutralized” in a missile strike prosecuted by empire in Iraq today. And, Daesh (aka ISIS, proxy of empire) has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on civilians in Iran. The “garden variety” Fascists apparently desire to engulf the entire Levant in war. Who knew?

Update: “Axis of Resistance” sitreps are available now on the PressTV (Iran) site.

Monday, January 1

End of Days - 2024 Edition

Drop da soap, fool!

These are the “twilight years,” and this is the “twilight zone” in the fabled “end of days.” The situation on the planet worsens with each passing day, all because of a small handful of “garden variety” Fascists. The masses of rank-and-file peons continue to “drop the soap” for the Fascists, and gleefully enjoy the “reaming.”

Just take a gander at the sheer number of closet Zionists who “stand with Israel.” Most of them are religious fanatics, “holy rollers,” and dispensationalists. Religion is a valuable tool exploited by the Fascists to control the plebiscites. And, it works!

Welcome to the “new” year! North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, announced that there will no longer be any consideration for reunification with the South, all because of provocations by empire. China has announced that it plans to increase its nuclear arsenal from roughly 500 to over a thousand, all because of provocations. Russia has already upgraded most of its weaponry after the Ukraine provocation. There are no countermeasures for most of its new weaponry. The list goes on and on. Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Serbia … endless. Yeah, the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) is still unfolding. Blowback, of course, is always “right around the corner.”

Well, the convergence of the aforementioned explains the need for the central bank of empire to abruptly reinstate ZIRP. The so-called “money printing” must be restarted immediately and ramped-up to infinity in order to provide financial and military support to Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and a host of other nation-states. Who will be buying the new sovereign debt? The newly “printed” money will “buy” a lot of politicians, economic ministers, and bureaucrats. They, in turn, will permit their banking systems to purchase the debt instruments of empire (now at $34 trillion). Other prime victims are nation-states in debt to the IMF or World Bank. That’s also why the effects of “de-dollarization” are currently very slow.

Sunday was uneventful. The usual itinerary was followed. Dinner was courtesy Panda Express®. An early arrival back at the “old folks home” in Waikiki allowed for a quick trip to Ala Moana Center. The mall was slated to close at 6pm, but Target® was open until 9pm. A four-pack of muffins, a couple of packages of generic granola, and two bananas (for dessert) were purchased. A brief stopover was made at the International Marketplace on the way back to the “old folks home.” No celebration of any kind ensued. What exactly is there to celebrate?

The first day of the 2024 year, and a change in itinerary was in order. Morning coffee was procured at the ABC Store in Ala Moana Center. Breakfast consisted of the latter coffee and a couple of the muffins purchased last night. A couple of hours were then spent in the Makai Market food court. The mall was actually packed with shoppers, all splurging on the numerous holiday promotions.

The rest of the day? The usual gym workout, dinner at Panda Express® … you know the drill. Incidentally, the gym has been devoid of any young hotties since the Saturnalia vacation commenced. The young hotties, mostly from the Diploma Mill, will return tomorrow. Sadly, there is no local representation of hotties. What does that tell you?

For the record, the recertification process for the “old folks home” in Waikiki was completed last week. The last delay was a document submission that allegedly was missing a few pages. The document was submitted intact, by the way. Incompetence, you think?

On a side note, the Norelco® shaver was thoroughly cleaned and packaged for storage on Friday. The new Braun® shaver was then deployed. The first day with the new shaver was unimpressive, most likely due to shaving technique. The subsequent day was better. Overall, the Norelco® shaver produces a much better experience. Perhaps, the more expensive Braun® models would be equivalent. Anyway, the Norelco® shaver will be on a well-deserved vacation after one year of continuous service. Praise Molech!

Finally, Notes extends best wishes to everyone. Remain vigilant. Examine personal beliefs. If they are aligned with the Fascists, then please immediately turn the other way. Don’t allow “bread and circuses” to numb the mind and soul. Be prepared because the Fascists are coming … coming for you!