There are about ten private garbage collection companies that service all of the commercial and residential buildings in the Lower Makiki ghetto. The dumpster dumptrucks begin their rounds daily at 1:30am. The trucks have inch into the narrow corridors where the dumpsters are located. The maneuver requires going forward and backward at least ten times. While reversing, the OSHA warning alarm, a loud beeping, is activated. The sound reverberates throughout the ghetto.
The routes for the trucks appear random, so once a pickup is made, the trucks travel several blocks to other locations. With ten different trucks randomly going through the ‘hood, the collection interval is approximately every 15 minutes. So, every 15 minutes after 1:30am on until 7am in the morning, there is an intermittent loud series of beeps. The effect is similar to an alarm clock going off every 15 minutes for six hours straight. That’s life in the fucking Lower Makiki slum.
And, what about the senior citizens who reside in the “old folks home”? No problem-o! They just take out their hearing aids. They can’t hear anything after that.
Addendum: Traffic from the streets adjacent to the “old folks home” produces an immense amount of pollution. A thin layer of black soot covers everything in the “old folks home” cell. The floor must be cleaned daily. The soot is so bad that the exterior of all of the buildings are permanently stained black.
Update: Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Saturday, June 30
Friday, June 29
In the “blog,” the discussion about truth always centered on the acquisition of knowledge. Truth, however, will not bring much relief. Rather, truth could produce irreversible psychological pain. And, in the worse case scenario, the truth seeker will become a pariah. All human institutions will become meaningless and superfluous. Yet, for some, the truth must be found.
Begin with a study of Quantum Physics and Einstein’s General Relativity. Both disciplines provide the very laws that govern the existence of the universe. There are myriad books available, so no list is necessary. Progression beyond both subjects (by delving into String Theory and so forth) are option.
Continue with a study of Big Bang Theory, which essentially describes the origin of the universe from Planck’s Period to the present. The background knowledge of Quantum Physics and General Relativity will definitely augment the reading.
Then, read the book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here,” by David Reich. The latter appears to be most current book covering the research into the human genome and its application in discovering the origin of modern humans and the human migration pattern since that time. There is little doubt that an understanding of the animal origin and evolutionary process that produced “modern” humans will be alienating and disconcerting. All fictional stories of human origin and exceptionalism will be discarded. All that’s left I’d the human animal, one that continues to live in denial up to this day.
Finally, read the book, “The Denial of Death,” by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. The truth will become entirely self-evident such that there will be no need to delineate upon the matter again in these Notes. The truth will become the TRUTH.
Begin with a study of Quantum Physics and Einstein’s General Relativity. Both disciplines provide the very laws that govern the existence of the universe. There are myriad books available, so no list is necessary. Progression beyond both subjects (by delving into String Theory and so forth) are option.
Continue with a study of Big Bang Theory, which essentially describes the origin of the universe from Planck’s Period to the present. The background knowledge of Quantum Physics and General Relativity will definitely augment the reading.
Then, read the book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here,” by David Reich. The latter appears to be most current book covering the research into the human genome and its application in discovering the origin of modern humans and the human migration pattern since that time. There is little doubt that an understanding of the animal origin and evolutionary process that produced “modern” humans will be alienating and disconcerting. All fictional stories of human origin and exceptionalism will be discarded. All that’s left I’d the human animal, one that continues to live in denial up to this day.
Finally, read the book, “The Denial of Death,” by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. The truth will become entirely self-evident such that there will be no need to delineate upon the matter again in these Notes. The truth will become the TRUTH.
Wednesday, June 27
Cardiology 2018
The appointment with the cardiologist was finally made about two weeks ago for 11am this morning. Upon arrival at the Queen’s Hospital Physicians Office Building on Lusitana Street, an old codger was observed being wheeled out on a gurney to an awaiting ambulance. Not a good start.
A brief elevator ride to the final destination on the 4th floor, the cardiologist’s office, created minor anxiety. Only two other patients were sitting in the waiting room, a benefit of scheduling the appointments close to the noon lunch break. Previous appointments four years ago were sadly marred by the waiting room being nearly full with senior citizen patients of varying decrepitude.
A quick EKG was administered. The cardiologist found no problems and stood by his prior diagnosis. He still believes that the palpitations are caused by dehydration. Old age factors in, too, no doubt. No further tests or medication was prescribed. All in all, a good day at the cardiologist’s office.
Tuesday, June 26
At 11:30pm last night, a black Infiniti® G35rear-ended a minivan in the Pi’ikoi Street and King Street intersection. The minivan spun around and ended up on the sidewalk at the corner of the intersection. The offending vehicle, traveling at high rate of speed, slid and spun around a couple times before ending on the sidewalk right in front of the “old folks home.”
The front of the offending vehicle was compressed about 24 inches at the left corner, suggesting that it was point of impact. The air bags deployed during the collision. According to an eyewitness, the three occupants fled the scene. The driver of the unrecognizable minivan was transported to a hospital by ambulance. Another night in the slum known as Lower Makiki.
As mentioned in a previous Note about Lower Makiki, the State Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) is right across Alder Street from the “old folks home.” There are about six motorhomeless squatters stationed around the Alder Street and Elm Street semi-perimeter of the JDC. As of a couple of weeks ag, there is now a group of homeless squatters on that portion of Elm Street. There are transient motorhomeless appearing nightly in the area, mostly on Sheridan Street near the Walmart® “big box” store. Myriad transient homeless camp nightly along King Street and Beretania Street.
In actuality, the entire area from downtown to Kahala is a contiguous campground or homestead for the four types of homeless (underlined) previously mentioned. The situation is totally out of control. However, the Lower Makiki slum appears to have the highest concentration of homeless.
Add in the endless blight of ugly walk-up apartment buildings, mostly dilapidated, along with the far too numerous bars and night clubs ... all add up to ghetto-like environment. In other words, Lower Makiki is a slum. Pity the senior citizens who must tolerate residing in a total slum.
Saturday, June 23
Decrepitude 2018
Observations of senior citizen decrepitude is easily facilitated by their presence everywhere. Currently, there is nothing conclusive about the approximate age that the onset of decrepitude occurs. At this time, anecdotal evidence suggests rapid physical degeneration after 70 years of age. Some common characteristics of senior citizen physical decrepitude include:
- Musculoskeletal deformation (compressed spine, hunchback, lopsided torso, bow-leggedness, general shrinkage)
- Muscle atrophy (muscle loss, flab, emaciation)
- Skin aberrations (“old man” spots, blackish discoloration or splotches)
- Stiffness of joints.
There appears to be no way to combat the physical degradation of old age. Exercise, specifically weight and cardiovascular training, can help to prolong a fully ambulatory state. However, that time extension would be brief.
Friday, June 22
Fat Slob Syndrome
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Ooof! |
Senior citizens can be observed anywhere ... the bus, gym, shopping malls, the “old folks home.” The latest disturbing observation is the sheer number of overweight and obese senior citizens. The “little old ladies” are not so little. Pear-shaped or barrel-like bodies coupled with huge flabby limbs or stick-like arms and legs. Old codgers are likely to be pear-shaped or sport a huge “beer gut.”
Even more problematic are the “Baby Boomers” who, in the future, will be in worse shape. Frankly, the “Baby Boomers” already look as bad as their surviving parents. Obesity is most prevalent in empire, by the way. Only a few people are in the overweight category anymore. Citizens of empire always go “full on” with eating binges, alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes, downing opioids and other medication, and other addictions.
The healthcare system will eventually collapse even if it was completely subsidized by the Fascist government. The required medical care for current senior citizens, the “Baby Boomers,” and future generations will completely overwhelm the existing healthcare system. Nearly the entire populace is sickly and out of shape as it is. The trend will only get worse.
Thursday, June 21
Now is not a good time for senior citizens, that is, unless death is imminent in less than ten years. In empire, the future of Social Security benefits and Medicare is shaky. Both could be “insolvent” before then, or the ever more Draconian government could simply mummify both programs. With the senior citizen population increasing in size and decrepitude, there will be a major crisis.
What is even more frightening is that the aforementioned senior citizens are not the infamous “Baby Boomers.” Rather, they are the parents of the “Baby Boomers.” Currently, the oldest “Baby Boomers” are 73 years of age. Currently, Only a small minority of them are experiencing decrepitude. However, they are probably in worse physical shape than their parents were at the same age. In ten years, the leading edge of the “Baby Boomer” demographic will be require about the same medical needs as their (still alive) aging parents. Medicare would go broke no matter what kind of “fix” is applied.
As mentioned in a previous Note, there will be huge proliferation of “little old ladies.” The “Baby Boomers” will supply myriad “little old ladies.” What is the world going to do with hundreds of millions of “little old ladies”?
Addendum: Legalization of “assisted suicide” or euthanasia is becoming a popular movement. Expect more Draconian measures in the near future. Robotics and AI (artificial intelligence) will probably introduce squads of euthanasia androids that will actively seek and terminate senior citizens. The devices will be made autonomous such that the authorities can avoid responsibility and accountability.
Tuesday, June 19
Blood & Coffee
The annual pre-diabetes blood samples were drawn at Diagnostic Laboratory in Kahala this morning. Last year, an attempt was made to skew the fasting blood sugar downward by minimizing carbohydrate and sugar intake the day before. To no avail, blood sugar had increased from the year prior.
This year, no attempt was made to skew the fasting blood sugar in either direction. In fact, a delicious vanilla shake was procured from McDonalds® at the 12-hour fasting cutoff point. The blood sample results will prove interesting.
At 8:30am, there were about six people in the queue. About three more people arrived during the wait time. Everyone was over 50 years of age except for one guy. He was there there for an employer mandated blood test. And, there were absolutely no young hotties. Apparently, people under 50 years of age do not require a blood test unless something is clearly wrong.
The majority of the people in the waiting room were elderly senior citizens of varying decrepitude. No surprise, eh? That’s an omen of the future ... lots of medical appointments and medical lab work. So pathetic.
Knowing that there would be a significant wait time, the contingency plan for morning coffee time was invoked. Coffee was procured at the renovated McDonalds® in Kahala. Fortunately, the $1 special was back in effect. $1 for any size coffee and free refills! By the way, McDonalds® coffee is actually pretty good.
Monday, June 18
He’s Dead, Jim!
There is very little in the way of activity concerning Exodus Notes, so the only assumption is that the latter is near dead. Activity on the Twitter® feed appears to be focused on images of gorgeous young hotties. Thus, there will be a tapering of Notes from this point forward.
There were a number of issues to be discussed, but the latter will also be tapered to a limited focus on senior citizens:
The highly successful Twitter® feed will continue unabated with the current Molech theme. The feed has already undergone substantial pruning in order to retain a smooth continuity for at least the past year. More “tweet” pruning will ensue until the full Molech objective is accomplished.
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Doctor “Bones” McCoy |
There were a number of issues to be discussed, but the latter will also be tapered to a limited focus on senior citizens:
- Growing old and decrepit
- Death.
The highly successful Twitter® feed will continue unabated with the current Molech theme. The feed has already undergone substantial pruning in order to retain a smooth continuity for at least the past year. More “tweet” pruning will ensue until the full Molech objective is accomplished.
Saturday, June 16
Same Ol’ Shit
The routine remains the same with almost no reason to detail the nauseating daily itinerary. The sickening aspect is the need to spend time at shopping malls in order to validate the day itself. Of course, there are necessary components (e.g., purchasing dinner) that justify the latter. Aside from that, working out at the gym is still the highlight of the day.
The “old folks home” is gradually becoming more of a depressing situation. Exposure to more and more decrepit senior citizens is psychologically taxing and just a constant reminder of mortality. There’s just no avenue for the “denial of death” at the “old folks home.”
The latest incident at the “old folks home” was a homecoming greeting of loud chirping noises upon entering the dreaded cell in the late afternoon yesterday. The back-up battery in the smoke detector died of old age (no pun intended). A call to the resident manager proved useless. The responsibility was claimed to be on the tenant (in this case, the reason was most likely the stigma of previous homelessness). No doubt, one of the “little old ladies” would have received better service. A small step-stool was borrowed from the community room and the offending device was completely disabled. It now sits on the cell floor awaiting a new battery, which may take several months in queue since it is now a tenant expenditure.
All events, good and bad, provide input for the upcoming and finalized strategic plan. For the time being, the routine will remain the same. Updates about the same ol’ shit are unlikely from this point forward.
Wednesday, June 13
Simple Life Gets Simpler
The quest for “peace of mind” has focused entirely on the “simple life.” For more “peace of mind,” everyday life must become simpler. From the material viewpoint, further reductions in useless possessions was mandatory. The Black & Decker® portable handheld vacuum cleaner was donated to charity. The generic LED nightlight was decommissioned. And, a Walmart® 4-inch personal electric fan was acquired for use on hot nights in the “old folks home.”
The lesson learned is that even simple and inexpensive appliances and devices are a “pain in the ass.” Convenience is trumped because they must be cleaned and maintained regularly. And, being made in China, they are prone to malfunction. At this point in time, the purchase price of any future appliance or device cannot exceed $10 total.
Clothes purchases are now fully “just in time” (JIT) because discount venues like Ross® and Walmart® carry extensive inventory for immediate replacement. Cheap appliances and devices are also available. JIT is the only way to go.
In addition, every possible means to cut costs is being exploited. Free Net wireless access. Free food or discount offers. Free paper towels, napkins, and asswipe tissue. “Free” towels and hot showers at the gym. Free! Freedom! Humility! The simple life as a lesson learned from the humble Sand Island homeless shelter experience requires the mummification of pride.
Addendum: A small plastic container was purchased at Ross® to store baking soda in bulk. Baking soda is extremely useful for cleaning and deodorizing. It’s also a good supplement or replacement for toothpaste.
Update: A small box was procured from the Kahala Mall cardboard recycling bin and deployed as a small table for the new Walmart® 4-inch personal electric fan.
Saturday, June 9
Future Primitive
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Digital Health |
Google® and Apple® will be introducing “apps” for “digital health” in the coming months for “smartphones.” The “apps” are designed to restrict or limit the usage of the devices, but they can be overridden at any time. The idea in its current form is useless because, even if the “apps” were not overridden, there are other unhindered alternatives (e.g., tablet computer, notebook computer, game console, widescreen tube, etc.) readily available.
The problem is not the “smartphone.” Rather, the user is to blame for not exercising discipline or self-control. Unfortunately, the consumer life-style so popular in “Western” culture is devoid of avenues to learn discipline or self-control. Humans, young and old, are essentially totally reliant on infantile impulses. There has been no “checks and balances” that kind of adverse behavior for at least two generations. Rampant consumption knows no limits. So, “anything goes.”
While the efforts of the aforementioned corporations to help the infantile user curb obsessive usage of “smartphones” seems admirable on the surface, there is a nefarious undertone. “Digital health” is only just the beginning of a new trend to transfer individual responsibility and accountability to another entity, in this case the “smartphone” app. The underlying psychological conditioning permits the infantile user to satisfy the need for “parental” supervision and monitoring with the “parent” being the “smartphone” software.
In the future, digital assistants using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will replace the passive “app.” The infantile user could willingly transfer all individual control and decision-making authority to the “app.” What happens when nearly every “app” has the capability to make hard decisions for the unwitting user?
Addendum: Discipline and self-control are components of the failed “civilization” paradigm, both of which require proper training and indoctrination. Without such training and regimentation, humans cannot integrate and function in greater “society.” The repressed “inner animal” then breaks free.
Addendum: Discipline and self-control are components of the failed “civilization” paradigm, both of which require proper training and indoctrination. Without such training and regimentation, humans cannot integrate and function in greater “society.” The repressed “inner animal” then breaks free.
Friday, June 8
Actuarial Nonsense
On-going observations have yielded a disturbing discovery ... there is a proliferation of “little old ladies.” There are nothing but “little old ladies” everywhere, even though the actuarial statistics claim that the gender lifespan difference is just a couple of years. The latter data is most likely based on an arithmetic average as opposed to using the median. In other words, the majority of the global population will be comprised of “little old ladies” in ten years.
So, where are the old codgers? Most of them are dead by 80 years of age. Any remaining old codgers are probably near-dead in myriad assisted-care facilities. The “little old ladies,” however, continue to live on pass 100 years of age, albeit in various states of decrepitude.
So, what’s an old codger to do? Plan for a life expectancy of 80 years and be aware that accelerated decrepitude will commence around 70 years of age. Healthy diet and life-style, as well as regular exercise can briefly stave off decrepitude but won’t increase longevity. Finally, an old codger should be aware that his windbreaker jacket may outlast him.
Thursday, June 7
The nearly half-decade search for perfect “old man” windbreaker may be over. Then again, maybe not. Observations clearly suggest that old codgers wear the light windbreaker-style jacket day-in and day-out, rain or shine, hot or cold. It’s the only fashion trend for today’s “old man.” The “old man” windbreaker also goes hand-in-hand with “old man” noises (usually odd guttural choking sounds).
The first “old man” windbreaker was a Levi’s® version in navy blue color with inner lining, purchased at Macy’s® for $50 on sale. Too fashionable. Too hot when worn during daylight hours. Deployed a couple of times. Required careful washing and drying. Donated to charity.
Next up was the Columbia® heavy rain-gear windbreaker in light grey color with no lining, purchased for $30 at Ross®. Light and airy, but is only feasible in heavy rainstorms. Proved it’s worth in a couple of bad downpours. Donated to charity.
Last up is the current generic “old man” windbreaker in light grey color with inner lining, purchased for $16 at Ross®. Somewhat heavier than the two previous windbreakers, although it has not been deployed yet. So, no feasibility analysis has been performed. How long before it is donated to charity?
The first “old man” windbreaker was a Levi’s® version in navy blue color with inner lining, purchased at Macy’s® for $50 on sale. Too fashionable. Too hot when worn during daylight hours. Deployed a couple of times. Required careful washing and drying. Donated to charity.
Next up was the Columbia® heavy rain-gear windbreaker in light grey color with no lining, purchased for $30 at Ross®. Light and airy, but is only feasible in heavy rainstorms. Proved it’s worth in a couple of bad downpours. Donated to charity.
Last up is the current generic “old man” windbreaker in light grey color with inner lining, purchased for $16 at Ross®. Somewhat heavier than the two previous windbreakers, although it has not been deployed yet. So, no feasibility analysis has been performed. How long before it is donated to charity?
Monday, June 4
Medicare Fiasco
Upon perusing the handbook, “Medicare & You 2018,” that was acquired at the Senior Citizens Fair at Kahala Mall last week, a feels my of great despondency set in. The cost of Medicare Part A & B plus the “optional” Part D prescription drug plan may come to $140 per month. In addition, there are copayments, deductibles, and absurd fees. There is also and option to purchase third party supplemental health insurance or Medicare Advantage (third-party complete replacement health insurance). Lots of money could be flowing out to healthcare providers as a result.
Medicare and its supplements or replacements is fine for senior citizens who desire to fall into the trap of medical “quackery” as well as those who seek medication as a “cure all” for every problem. The average senior citizen is bound to at least 25 prescription drugs. There also a host of different surgeries or procedures that are often pushed onto unwilling senior citizens. The whole Medicare program is a “cash cow” for the medical-industrial complex.
The collapsing empire is comprised of sickly rank-and-file peons. Junk food, junk life-styles, junk values ... all combine to create tremendous stress on the body. Eventually the body succumbs to illnesses, tumors, cancers, and psychological trauma. The medical-industrial complex then steps in to profit from the outcome. Only the affluent “one-percent” are immune or can afford real medical care instead of “cash cow” medical “quackery.”
The scope of the problem must somehow find resolution in the postponed long-term strategic plan. Inevitably, the need to expatriate from empire for sake of sanity and health must be considered. As empire moves into the late stages of collapse, proximity is not a recommended option. Escaping empire will be the top priority. The big question ... escape to where?
Medicare and its supplements or replacements is fine for senior citizens who desire to fall into the trap of medical “quackery” as well as those who seek medication as a “cure all” for every problem. The average senior citizen is bound to at least 25 prescription drugs. There also a host of different surgeries or procedures that are often pushed onto unwilling senior citizens. The whole Medicare program is a “cash cow” for the medical-industrial complex.
The collapsing empire is comprised of sickly rank-and-file peons. Junk food, junk life-styles, junk values ... all combine to create tremendous stress on the body. Eventually the body succumbs to illnesses, tumors, cancers, and psychological trauma. The medical-industrial complex then steps in to profit from the outcome. Only the affluent “one-percent” are immune or can afford real medical care instead of “cash cow” medical “quackery.”
The scope of the problem must somehow find resolution in the postponed long-term strategic plan. Inevitably, the need to expatriate from empire for sake of sanity and health must be considered. As empire moves into the late stages of collapse, proximity is not a recommended option. Escaping empire will be the top priority. The big question ... escape to where?
Sunday, June 3
No-Win Scenario
Once again, the incompetent security guard at the “old folks home” neglected to unlock the community room prior to departure this morning. Coffee had to purchased at McDonalds® in Kahala, which was a mixed blessing in disguise. The coffee there is real good. And, the ambiance is decent. There are no screaming Korean senior citizens like at the location near the “old folks home.” Unfortunately, the “senior coffee is now $1 pre-tax.
Prices for everything are going up everywhere. Petrol is now $3.69 per gallon for the lowest octane. Food prices (prepared and unprepared) continue to climb. And, with the current global trade war (initiated by the collapsing empire) ready to erupt, prices for goods and services will rapidly spike upward.
Housing expenses at the “old folks home,” including rent, reserved parking and electric utility, is running $900 per month with austerity measures in effect. That a lot of money just for a place to sleep. And, sleep is not guaranteed. The outside noise is horrific, day and night. During heat wave periods, the one-bedroom cell is basically an oven with no cross-ventilation. Even after shutting off the bedroom to create a studio, the heat is unbearable. The use of the Toilet Duck® door stop only slightly alleviates the problem. Even worse is the vehicular pollution that results in a filthy black soot settling on the floor and everything else. The floor must be cleaned daily by hand using recycled paper towels. A thorough mopping is required weekly.
Overall, the situation is out of control. There is way to generate any kind of strategic plan because of the no-win scenario. Plodding along and accepting “fate” is about all that can be done.
Saturday, June 2
iPhone Phobia
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iPhone 7 |
The referral call from the cardiologist was recorded on voicemail back in a February. Yet, three months have passed and no phone call was made to set up an appointment. Phone phobia, for lack of a better diagnosis, has “reared its ugly head” again. No telling when the phone call will be made. There are other senior citizen issues as well concerning the phone calls for medical appointments.
The on-going debate about the feasibility of maintaining a regular wireless plan with data allocation “keeps coming back like a bad sitcom.” Why continue to pay $30 for nothing? Even the data allocation comes into question when reviewing just how pathetic the Net has become.
The “app” situation is even more pathetic. After installing and uninstalling numerous “apps,” the general conclusion is that they are all junk. The latest fiasco is the Subway® rewards “app,” which uses QR code in place of the physical magnetic stripe card. Turns out, the magnetic stripe card works 100% of the time versus the spotty (often rejected) reading of the QR code.
The possession of the “smartphone” itself is now questionable. What exactly is it needed for? Certainly not as a substitute for opioids as is its primary purpose amongst the general populace. Just bring on the “pay ‘n go” no-contract plan already. Sheesh!
Addendum: New “security” enhancements for the iPhone Safari Web browser has now caused the inability to log in to some on-line accounts (e.g., Safeway®). The issue appears to be a retaliatory response to the new third-party “cookie” policy.
The “app” situation is even more pathetic. After installing and uninstalling numerous “apps,” the general conclusion is that they are all junk. The latest fiasco is the Subway® rewards “app,” which uses QR code in place of the physical magnetic stripe card. Turns out, the magnetic stripe card works 100% of the time versus the spotty (often rejected) reading of the QR code.
The possession of the “smartphone” itself is now questionable. What exactly is it needed for? Certainly not as a substitute for opioids as is its primary purpose amongst the general populace. Just bring on the “pay ‘n go” no-contract plan already. Sheesh!
Addendum: New “security” enhancements for the iPhone Safari Web browser has now caused the inability to log in to some on-line accounts (e.g., Safeway®). The issue appears to be a retaliatory response to the new third-party “cookie” policy.
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