Wednesday, May 30

Senior Citizen Fair

Kahala Mall hosted a Senior Citizen Fair, a scaled-down version of the annual Senior Citizen Expo at the Blaisdell Center, in the center court and adjacent wing. As to be expected, there were a variety of vendor tables hawking assisted living facilities, miracle therapies, medical “quackery,” health insurance, etc. In addition, entertainment and exercise sessions were provided. The assumption that senior citizens have ample discretionary income was obvious.

The primary goal while touring the event was to learn more about Medicare and whether the existing Medicaid coverage will carry over at age 65 years. No definitive answer was obtained. However, the farce of Medicare became clear. It’s damned expensive, but nearly useless without supplemental or replacement coverage. Little wonder why there are so many homeless people in Hawai’i who are over 65 years old.

Incidentally, Kahala Mall is “senior friendly.” There are exercise classes nearly every morning. And, myriad senior citizens of varying decrepitude walk along the perimeter of the inner wings of the mall for exercise.

Thursday, May 17


The culmination of years of research and rumination through the “blog” (and old journal) have identified the “exodus” as the only feasible solution to a world gone crazy and “hell-bent” on self-destruction. Peace of mind must be the prime directive before embarking on the full “exodus.” There are a few areas of primary concern:

Culture. Societies, nations, and tribal groups develop culture, often independently, to establish “identity.” Some cultural antecedents have religious origins. Aside from distinguishing characteristics, there is no need for culture.

Nationalism/Tribalism. Blind loyalty to a nation or tribe only serves to increase tensions amongst different groups, oftentimes resulting in altercations or violent conflagrations. Offensive and defensive strategies are then formulated which further serve to increase the rifts. There is no basis for arbitrary borders, cultures notwithstanding, other than prejudice.

Ethnicity & “Race.” Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome data have aided in indentifying nearly the entire migration pattern of humans from an origin somewhere deep in the African continent. Therefore, there is no basis for “race” differentiation. The physical characteristics that have erroneously been attributed to “race” are, in fact, a product of decreased gene diversity. As groups of humans migrated further from the point of origin, their pool of mating partners decreased. Hence, all subsequent generations became more homogeneous. The other actual “races” of humans (Neanderthal, Denisovan, et al.) have gone extinct. There is only ONE “race” of humans, the chimpo sapiens.

Religion. Shamanic beliefs originally sought to answer questions about the unknown. The answers, of course, were fabrications of the shamans and usually involved attribution to some kind of supernatural power or deity. The shamanic system gave rise to a ruling class whose power was vested in the imaginary deity. In time, the shamanic system evolved into institutionalized religion. The shamans became clergy and quickly consolidated power to subjugate the masses. To no surprise, religions became much like nations or tribes, each with its own culture and beliefs, which spurred myriad conflicts. There is no basis for religion. Science has essentially nullified the entire Yahweh Triad (Judaism, Islam, and Pauline Christianity).

Meaning & Purpose. Humans, like other animals, are motivated biologically to survive and reproduce. Nothing more, nothing less. Meaning and purpose are both facilitators of what the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, termed “the vital lie.” What kind of meaning and purpose can be established in the few short decades of the human lifespan? Indeed, meaning and purpose are simply another “immortality project” to create a useless and impermanent legacy. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs clearly indicated that, once basic needs are met, then “self-actualization” or peace of mind is next phase. And, what about reproduction? Why would anyone want to give birth to another human who must endure old age and decrepitude, then die?

Consumerism & Hoarding. Consumerism, the spending of money on useless junk, is a disease made manifest by the architects of “casino capitalism.” The proliferation of advertising is so intense and so advanced that few people can resist its Pavlovian programming. The “ownership society” further exacerbates the problem by diminishing the commonwealth. The only avenue remaining is to set up the “home” to be a self-contained mausoleum. The alternative is to pay rent or admission for mediocre venues. The “home” as mausoleum increases the propensity to purchase and hoard useless junk. There is no basis for consumerism aside from an animal-like tendency to be operant conditioned by the moneychangers.

Wage & Debt Slavery. Wage slavery has been made a necessity to survive in the “casino capitalism” society. Wage slavery determines social class as well, at least for the lower echelons. Wages are purposely held low such that debt service can be entered to make up the deficit. Wage slavery should be exploited by the slave, not the inverse. A wage slave can become self-emancipated by avoiding the pitfalls of consumerism and the temptation to incur debt.

The “Ownership Society.” The so-called “ownership society” is a farce that has been laid bare by many external and uncontrolled forces, the Kilau’ea eruption being the most recent. “Ownership” is simply another “immortality project,” as defined by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. Nothing can be “owned” because nothing is permanent.

Cheap Booze, Illicit Drugs, Medication. Addiction to substances is tantamount to being enslaved, rather than being freed by mind-altering effects. In the “ownership society,” substances are not free. Rather, all substances must be purchased, which requires a fuller commitment to wage and debt slavery. An altered mind is also unable to comprehend reality properly, which will lead to further imprudent decisions and require more substances. The mind is best left in an unaltered state.

Propaganda & Pseudoscience. Fake news and fake science should be identified and avoided at all costs. The latter and former exist as tools to fashion innocent victims for manipulation. Always seek the truth from alternative rather than “mainstream” media. The entire “mainstream” is controlled by the moneychangers and powers-that-be.

Technology. There are many advantages in embracing technology, mainly because the latter is benign in its general state. However, the moneychangers and powers-that-be have hijacked technology for their own nefarious purposes. Extreme caution should be exercised before adapting any new technology. If possible, forego the opportunity. And, always perform a recurring technology review and mummify unused or questionable technology.

Social Networks. In the distant past, human needed each other for protection and survival. Not so anymore. Friendships and other relationships are superfluous. The maintenance of social networks is reliant on selfishness and narcissism. Being a misanthropic pariah is best suited in this predatory era.

Thus concludes the primer for the final “exodus.” Further clarifications and additions may be forthcoming.

Saturday, May 12


The latest heatwave, most likely weather changes caused by the Kilau’ea eruptions, has turned the one-bedroom unit in the “old folks home” into an oven of sorts. The bedroom is the worst area since it has only one window and no cross-ventilation. Thus, the bedroom has been cleaned and closed off.

The airbed, courtesy the Sand Island homeless shelter, has been relocated to the tiny living room. There are two windows servicing the combined living room and kitchen. Cross-ventilation is accomplished by wedging an empty plastic Toilet Duck® container between the open entrance door and door jamb. Instant studio!

Addendum: Since there is nothing of value in the one-bedroom unit, there is no need to lock the door. Hence, the makeshift doorstop can be left unattended day and night.

Friday, May 11

Waikiki Mummified

The application process for the new “old folks home” in Waikiki has been mummified. Upon closer scrutiny of the financial certification for the “old folks home” in Lower Makiki, incorrect data was noted. Actually, the bad data was identified at the start of the rental lease. There may be mention of the matter in an earlier post.

Listed assets were correct, but income figures had been fabricated in order to meet the minimum requirement. In other words, income was deliberately overstated by $24,000 in order to meet the minimum monthly income requirement of three times the monthly rent. The entire leasing process was handled by the housing specialist at the Sand Island homeless shelter.

The real problem will become manifest when the annual recertification is done. The housing specialist had to “pull strings” for the initial certification. Without that kind of “assistance,” the likelihood of eviction at the end of December is very real.

Thursday, May 10

Apple® Store

The Apple® Store in Kahala Mall and Ala Moana Center have been exploited for most Net activity in an attempt to save the iPhone 7 battery from degradation and to use free Net access. Several per day are spent at both locations. For the most part, one of theiPad display units are used because of the larger screen.

Apple® Store Kahala Mall

Overall, the use of Apple® Store locations for Net access is a practice run preceding the eventual conversion to an extremely limited “pay ‘n go” wireless service for the iPhone 7 device. In the event that a move to Waikiki comes to fruition, The Apple® Store location there will also be utilized.

Waikiki Revisited


The application process for the new “old folks home” along Tusitala Street in Waikiki has commenced. There are studio apartments available. The rent is $50 per month higher for a smaller unit than the current one in the “old folks home” in Lower Makiki. Parking is the same at $40 per month. The good news is that electricity is included in the rent. The property management company is the same for both locations.

The new “old folks home” is located just one street over from the former detestable condotel unit that was divested at a loss many moons ago. Moving to Waikiki could expedite the divestiture of the Nissan® Quest minivan and finally bring about the conversion to a “pay’n go” wireless carrier.

Renting a vehicle for the Monday visits to Hawai’i Kai would definitely be less of a “pain in the ass.” Most rental firms have offices there, although bargain prices may be limited. Of course, securing a part-time wage slave job may become viable as well.

Addendum: For more details about residing in Waikiki and the detestable “condotel” unit, refer to the “blog.”

Wednesday, May 9


The temptation to rehash old topics in Exodus Notes must be mummified. Nearly every conceivable topic about religion to quantum physics has been discussed in the “blog” and old journal. Of course, the time span goes back 23 years. A good starting point is the final series, “Silence, Little Lamb!” From there, it is possible to backtrack to the first “blog” (image files missing thanks to shitty Photobucket storage site) and old journal. Happy reading!

Addendum: There is no way to add image files to Exodus Notes using the iPhone 7 ... no surprise there, eh? Android® devices are way more powerful.

Tuesday, May 8

Lessons from Kilau’ea

The recent eruption of Kilau’ea made international news primarily because several fissures and lava vents opened up in subdivisions a few miles away. Many houses were destroyed by the river of molten lava. Entire lifetime investments literally went up in smoke. Such is the impermanence of life on Planet Earth. Even the ancients were keenly aware of the forces of nature. Only in later times, the forces of nature were deemed to be the result of mischief of the imaginary deities (e.g., Molech).


The Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, discussed at length the frivolity of human endeavors in his tome, “The Denial of Death.” All such endeavors, large and small, are what Becker defines as “immortality projects.” In the 21st century, the scope of “immortality projects” has increased exponentially not just for individuals, but also for institutions, municipalities, and nation-states. The empire, of course, is the worst perpetrator as it edges toward collapse from within and by externalities beyond its control.

The myriad “immortality projects,” enhanced by technology, are now threatening the existence of all life on the planet. Because “immortality projects” are selfish by nature, the extant damage caused by the latter becomes locked in a increasingly destructive positive feedback loop. One look at the headlines from non-“fake news” media can provide a quick indication of the accelerating devastation.

The primary lesson from Kilau’ea appears to be the fact that humans, chimpo sapiens, cannot learn any lesson from the past, distant or near. The only path left will lead to total annihilation which, perhaps, has been human destiny all along.

Monday, May 7


Typical Post Office Mailbox

The existing PO Box contract was extended for six more months at a ridiculous cost of $56 for the period. When the PO Box at the Bethel Street Post Office was first acquired many moons ago, the cost was $22 for six months. The current austerity measures had called for the termination of the contract at the end of this month. However, the increasing confusion caused by numerous botched strategic plans has resulted in procrastination. After all, the PO Box provided a thin layer of anonymity at best.

The police state of empire now requires verifiable street addresses for all forms of identification including driver’s licenses. Post Office addresses are no longer accepted. Thus, the feasibility of paying increasing amounts of money to continue the contract is less than negligible. So, there is now a little more than six months of time to make any and all address changes to that of the “old folks home.”